• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

Cyborg Gardener NERF


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
Just because a few top 10 players are playing Shields this round and are kicking your ass, doesn't justify a nerf...

If 50% of the server plays Shields next round, then I might change my mind.


Nov 22, 2009
Maybe the only thing that needs to happen with them is to stop them coming out so early... So there are more units able to cope with it, rather than a unit that can just pass they nearly any defence at the round start


Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
The hardest thing about CG is you don't always know if thats what's hitting you! They come out before hax and are difficult to stop, ESPECIALLY in large-scale alliance attacks..

However, I think they are actually about right, other branches of robotics get other units that are useful on defense (nanos, Stuns.. PA, Autos) whilst CG are effectively useless until CW come out. Maybe increase their Dev cost and slow it down a bit, but other than that. Leave them be.. They sacrifice firepower for tanking capabilities.


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
The hardest thing about CG is you don't always know if thats what's hitting you! They come out before hax and are difficult to stop, ESPECIALLY in large-scale alliance attacks..
That is the most justification for a nerf that I can see, well thought of. I thought Hax0r would be out first, Robotics route is as slow as Strikers, if not even slower - increasing the times could be harmful.

Don't forget, that person would not have Hax0r for until their CG developing (and then) Hax0r, so they would be attacking blind until then, assuming they are solo. Look at it from (I'm not in the top alliance raping everyone) point of view sometimes.

Try using WKs! That is all.
Quiet Mr. Honour/Fame wall hax :mrgreen:


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Cheshire, England
Jesus... it's another re-run of the "OMG ZE [Insert route that a FTW ally has massed and doing well with] ARE OVERPOWERED FORZ THEIR COSTZ!!!11!!1!!11one!!11!1!!"

The CG route has its moment at this point in the round, give it another day, and not only the other robo routes, but most other routes will start developing lethals that out power the CG route.

Rock < Paper < Scissors < Rock... etc...


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
If they are that OP, why don't you restart Shields and abuse the crap out of them?

Every route has strengths and weaknesses, them players are vunerable to [RPG/Striker/Harrier/TL/Assassin +(Everything that fires before CW)] rushes for the entire round now.

Barely anybody plays them because of this, yes Shields might be the best LET armoured flak in the game but if you start nerfing parts of a route that hardly anyone plays, nobody will play it.


And just for the record, I haven't played Shields since Round 10.


Garden Designer
Dec 16, 2007
Try using WKs! That is all.

This. Used CGs a couple of rounds ago, and WKs tear them to shreds.

Yes CGs rock the house against most other early flak stoppers, but that's kind of the point of the unit...


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
Also, may I add; CG allowed me to get the highest current land steal in one tick, on Alchemist {okay, second biggest now Changer, fu}. They serve a singular purpose; To keep your path to CW a much faster one. Other tech trees get helpful units to preserve their land such as the Nanobot & Stun Droid, and Autos and PA to jointly keep land safe from LET/INN trying to pinch it.
A bit less whining might be the objective decision. I do agree with Signer's idea of making the armour of CG a bit more prevalent, though.

It's been discussed. Dont weaken the sub route more than it already is, ffs.


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
Fine my left testicle. They're beyond OP.
Well then grow a right testicle and you might change your views.

CGs are a bit ridiculous for their cost. They should be like 10k per unit.
If you are so inactive, only log in to troll people and suicide, why the smeg would you even care? Cry more though, it's funny.

I killed 100m over two ticks in the WH round iirc, arguably i had lots of TDs, but any ally worth their salt these days has a goodly number of TDs since they are the sex.

I find CGs the most annoying in a wave situation, where someone sends masses of CGs to flak boost incs. Then there are rarely enough units to go around, or of course, if you're solo and get CG inc, you're pretty much ****ed :p
This might be the first time I agree with this drunken waste of life, there are many other units that can rip up this flak, and if they all came out BEFORE Cyborg Gardeners then the unit would be USELESS.


This thread needs to be locked, it's 18 months old and they haven't been nerfed. Says it all don't you think?
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Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
The only thing that needs to be done is a cost increase. And slightly dev time increase.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
CGs are a bit ridiculous for their cost. They should be like 10k per unit.
If you are so inactive, only log in to troll people and suicide, why the smeg would you even care? Cry more though, it's funny.

How am I crying? Really? I haven't been on the receiving end of any CG incs, so I'm entirely unbiased in this. It doesn't affect me either way, but I believe they are too powerful for their cost. Not that it matters, as I've said, because we don't have an admin.

And how does me being inactive have anything to do with it? I play the game the way I want, which, funnily enough, is exactly the way you claim to want people to play. I'm not massively active, I'm not contactable, I don't bash, and I don't play FTW. And then you try and turn that into a negative point purely because you can't debate in an adult manner. If someone disagrees with you they're automatically a moron, a troll, a FTW-obsessed basher with no life, or various other ridiculous generalisations.

I don't troll anyone, but your posts are so consistently ludicrous that I can't help but point out the numerous flaws and utter inaccuracies.


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
If someone disagrees with you they're automatically a moron, a troll, a FTW-obsessed basher with no life, or various other ridiculous generalisations.
No, that's not true at all.

I have no problem with people disagreeing with me if they are not an ass about it and actually make a valid point. You never make any valid points about anything, you just reply with worthless garbage and don't listen to the reply you get.

I don't troll anyone, but your posts are so consistently ludicrous that I can't help but point out the numerous flaws and utter inaccuracies.
PM me if you want to discuss why I disagree with you here, because I don't like you and because I think you are a complete and utter smeg-head - just a reply from you alone is a troll unless it's a clean reply with a valid point (stated above, this is never the case).

You cannot seem to grasp the fact that you are just wasting your time and making yourself look like an even bigger moron than you already are. You don't see me going around the forums searching for everybody I hate just to reply to them with utter BS like you do. Some people have better things to do with their time.

On Topic
This route does not need a nerf. If the day comes when the server is full of them, full of Robotics Shields and everybody is massing Cyborg Gardeners and there is nothing anybody can do about it, then maybe it will be nerfed.

Twigley probably started this thread because he got owned by the route a few times, well boo-hoo - it doesn't matter, that unit was designed this way, and has been nerfed at LEAST 3 times in the past and doesn't need it anymore. I'm sorry you disagree with me on the topic, and I'm sorry the admin no longer cares about your opinion, but he sure cares about mine because when I have a problem with something I rack up lots of evidence and give it to him.

What have you done, where's your evidence? You don't even play actively, you aren't even playing this route, you've not been hit by the route so what the smeg do you know? You just jumped on the band-wagon giving your useless opinion about a game you cannot even be bothered to play.

Just beacuse someone else is above you in the triangle doesn't mean it needs a nerf, that's just my opinion, I will stick to mine and you can stick to yours.


If you increase the cost of this unit, you can potentially make it so it's more beneficial to just buy Gardeners to send as flak.

Do some simple math if you have time, and come up with what (in your opinion) would be a reasonable value based on stats, blocking figures, and please include an X factor so people are inclined to play this route over any other.

Whilst you are at it, why don't you make a pie chart of all the routes that players use in this game. I'm pretty sure Robotics are one of the smallest slices of the pie.

Robotics has been my favourite route since I started this game, I wish to play it round after round. However, when it's route selection time I always back out because I would be raped in the rear almost every day, I wouldn't even be able to have a shower without being rushed by Harriers or something. The route has so many weaknesses and to me it's just not worth playing as a soloist anymore unless you constantly want to be checking it. One alliance has decided to have 6 Shield players to play with them as their setup, and are willing to accept a stupid amount of Harrier rushes all round, but having 6 players with CG is going to benefit them at the start.

I admire their tactic, and I'm glad to see it's something nobody else thought of. It takes a lot for me to say that about people I probably don't even like - I'm giving an unbiased opinion here, try look at it from all angles to justify what you are saying.

I played them last round and found early in the round they were basically unstoppable. SGT and guru had no chance of stopping them, but later in the round, Vamps, Sorc, Dragon, TL, Apache and TD ate them alive, to the point where it was actually better to mass Gards. They are good against a lot of units, but overall they don't need to be massively nerfed. Maybe a cost boost from 4,200 to 4,500, but that would be as far as I would go.
This topic ended March 2010, we are in October 2011 and Franny decided to bump it.

I could understand if the topic was constantly being bumped with people complaining but I do find it quite strange why NOBODY mentioned a word for around 18 months. Just because some brave players decide to play the route and rape your land with it, it needs a nerf? Talk about sore loser.
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Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
If someone disagrees with you they're automatically a moron, a troll, a FTW-obsessed basher with no life, or various other ridiculous generalisations.
No, that's not true at all.

I have no problem with people disagreeing with me if they are not an ass about it and actually make a valid point. You never make any valid points about anything, you just reply with worthless garbage and don't listen to the reply you get.

I don't troll anyone, but your posts are so consistently ludicrous that I can't help but point out the numerous flaws and utter inaccuracies.
PM me if you want to discuss why I disagree with you here, because I don't like you and because I think you are a complete and utter smeg-head - just a reply from you alone is a troll unless it's a clean reply with a valid point (stated above, this is never the case).

You cannot seem to grasp the fact that you are just wasting your time and making yourself look like an even bigger moron than you already are. You don't see me going around the forums searching for everybody I hate just to reply to them with utter BS like you do. Some people have better things to do with their time.

I'm sorry, did you just call me a complete and utter smeg-head whilst accusing ME of being a troll? Do you not see the irony in that?

EDIT: I also just remembered that in another thread where you AGREED with Alci, you still called him a drunken waste of space when he wasn't even talking to you. But yeah, you're a real champ.

I don't search for everybody I hate. I reply to your posts because you show up and post loads on forums in a short space of time, and I disagree with pretty much everything you say (and how you say it, which is often more important).

You're right though, I probably am wasting my time. It is becoming more clear by the day that you aren't going to change into a likeable human being or a rational thinker, so maybe I'll stop putting in the effort trying to persuade you and instead write you off as a lost cause.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
I'd like someone from PW to come in here and honestly say they don't think CG are OP.


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
maybe I'll stop putting in the effort trying to persuade you and instead write you off as a lost cause.
Maybe? Please do, I mean I've done that with you and others many years ago - I have my own reasons for calling Alcibiades what I did, perhaps he will explain to you why I did it, but I'm not going to justify each and every word I say wrong to somebody, I said it for a reason, a very good one.

I find it quite hillarious how you of all people can call anybody a troll, if you want to discuss this further then please PM me. Also please stick to the topic - I have been trying really hard to do so but it's so difficult with the sheer quantity of bullsmeg you continue to spit.

Don't ignore all of my post just because you have a lack of understanding of the game.

I'd like someone from PW to come in here and honestly say they don't think CG are OP.
Why do you need them to respond?

I've had people thinking I was in their alliance solely because I'm sticking up for a route that is one of my favourites. They don't need to reply to confirm they are not OP, they are probably enjoying their start power whilst it lasts - like anybody with Cyborg Gardeners SHOULD be doing as early as possible.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Their start power is op. I'm not saying the unit is bad im just saying their starting power is op. Too op. To say that if you have a few mill CG means you land everytime during the flak wars that is op. End of.

A change in dev time maybe to make sure they come out after Hax's maybe.


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
Their start power is op. I'm not saying the unit is bad im just saying their starting power is op. Too op. To say that if you have a few mill CG means you land everytime during the flak wars that is op. End of.

A change in dev time maybe to make sure they come out after Hax's maybe.
Not to offend you or anything, but did you read every post on this thread, or just the last few pages? I'm pretty sure they feel OP at the start because nothing can take them out (cost for cost) wise. I've been on the recieving end it and I know what it feels like.

You need to understand and look at it from an unbiased point of view. If you honestly think they are that OP, then you should have played Shields. I don't think they are OP and I haven't played Shields.
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