Free bush lessons.


Landscape Designer
Dec 17, 2008
We(I) have asked the very best players(myself) to give free tips to other players every day.

Lesson #1.

You cannot trigger SAS without lethals.

Stay tuned for more lessons!

PS: After lesson 42 you'll have to start paying.

Lesson #2.

Rangers are good. Use them more.

Lesson #3.

As you all know(hopefully) when sending different units in attack or defence, the mob moves as fast as its slowest member. Example: Attacking with geos (eta 5), gardeners (eta 2) and tractors (eta 7) - your mob will be eta 7. But if the slowest units in a mob were to die, the mob speed is adjusted to match the eta of the new slowest unit. Continuing the example: Your tractors get killed, so only gards and geos are returning from the attack at eta 5.

Lesson #4.

You can defend your pnaps or ally-mates even if you have a defensive mob returning from them.

Lesson #5.

When getting attacked by a much smaller player, you can "retaliate" and counter-attack him even if he's below your 30% range(with +2 mod). The minimal range for retaliations is 5%

Lesson #6.

Always be aware of the special abilities that some units of the fantasy route have.

Iron Golems turn indestructible at random times (or at least I think they're random)
Apprentices and Sorcerers randomly become weaker/stronger at times
Vampires deal more damage at night, "especially when the weather looks stormy".
Werewolves and Witches get a boost at night, when the skies are clear and the moon shines

Hope I didn't get any of those wrong

Lesson #7.

I've noticed that people tend to buy units in relation to preset ratios, which I find utterly idiotic. You can never achieve maximum efficiency with your ratios if you don't take into account the player base, and what you're more likely to fight against.
My lesson is: stop being a lazy noob and hack around, take note of who is likely to attack you and who you're likely to want to attack and buy units that you will actually have use for.

Lesson #8.

If you have Thiefs and geos attacking together the thiefs will only steal 3% on top of the geos' 15% for a total of 18%.

Lesson #9.

After you hit sleep mode you can still get incoming friendly or hostile mobs for the first three ticks

Lesson #10.

If you purchase a Punit and then delete and restart, you will have the blueprints for the Punit unlocked (No need to purchase again)

Lesson #11.

Trees grow best in the Autumn and Winter.
Bushes grow with the same rate all year long.
Flowers grow best in the Summer.
Grass grows best in the Spring.

Lesson #12.

Should've = Should have
Should of = You're a retard for saying that
Your = possessive - means that something belongs to you (I want all your acres)
You're = You are (You're awesome if you know the difference between you're and your)
Their = possessive (see "your")
There = location (I had sex with yo momma over there)
They're = They are (see you're)
Its = possessive (see "their")
It's = It is (see "they're") OR it has (It's been a long time since [see "there"])
I couldn't care less = an awesome expression meaning "There is no possible way that I can care less" = "I don't care in the slightest"
I could care less = You're a retard (hi, peng) for using this.

Lesson #13.

Coldplay are terrible.

Lesson #14.

AR drops 0.12% a tick. A spy report shows news from the last 4 days (576 ticks). So if you see someone with no news you can know they have 20.88% AR at max. To calculate what you can send to a solo use the following formula:

1.45 * score * (1 - AR mod)

Multiply by 500 to convert it into funds. So for instance, I'm attacking someone with 1,000,000 score and 24,57% AR:

1.45 * 1,000,000 * (1-0.2457) * 500 = £546,867,500 worth of troops.

Lesson #15.

Always start your developments at the end of the tick (unless the multiplier has already reached 1). The multiplier is dynamic, so it can change without the world ticking. If you wait until the end of the tick to start a development or a construction, you might get lucky and finish the tech faster than you would've done if you hadn't waited.

Lesson #16.

You only gain honour when attacking over ~67%. If you hit a target in an alliance 3% of the alliance score is added to the ID's personal score, before calculating the honour gain/loss. Example:

You have 1,000,000,000 score. Attacking a solo at 600,000,000 score (60%) would result in a honour loss.
If the same target was in an alliance that had a total score of 5,000,000,000 then 3% of that (150,000,000) would be added to their score (600,000,000) for a total of 750,000,000 (75%) which would result in a honour gain
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Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
amazing. I knew bios could turn up if no LET, so i was naturally shocked to learn this!

I need to read the manual lol


Landscape Designer
Dec 17, 2008
I'm glad our team of experts managed to teach you stuff.


Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
Lesson #2.

Government defense will recall if the value of the troops attacking falls below the necessary value to trigger. (Meaning, if you kill enough of them, government will recall)
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Head Gardener
Feb 28, 2011
Sub-Lesson #1 You can change your colour scheme of Bushtarion by going to the 'Colour Schemes' page.
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Feb 4, 2009
How on earth am I supposed to learn from The Master if you lot keep trolling :roll:


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
woah woah woah its a lesson a day we're still on lesson 2, lesson 3 tomorrow. and it should last till end of the round before we have to start paying.

you cant rush these things


Landscape Designer
Dec 17, 2008
Lesson #5 Stfu Hamilron

Don't touch that nerve...

Lesson #7

Man the **** up. Bushtarion isn't a stroll in the park.

it's a troll in the park



Landscape Designer
Dec 17, 2008
Lesson #3

As you all know(hopefully) when sending different units in attack or defence, the mob moves as fast as its slowest member. Example: Attacking with geos (eta 5), gardeners (eta 2) and tractors (eta 7) - your mob will be eta 7. But if the slowest units in a mob were to die, the mob speed is adjusted to match the eta of the new slowest unit. Continuing the example: Your tractors get killed, so only gards and geos are returning from the attack at eta 5.