Latest Changes


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
i have started to make a txt file of exact long term downstream problems of how subtly you've changed the fundamentals of some routes and will time stamp it and email it to someone else by this weekend so it can be revealed at round end.

Wouldn't the sensible thing be to post them up here - not only for the purposes of the bizarre egoists on the forum who seem to simply want to "prove you wrong" by having some hidden but timestamped proof that a genius/psychic predicted it correctly (I don't care about that, nor should anyone else, if people can make good predictions then fantastic, but I think these ego arguments of people trying to outprove eachother about who was right who was wrong, who predicted the future and who did not are just un-necessary between adults) - my reason for saying post them up here is for the sake of the game and sensible discussion. If there's going to be a fundamental flaw with a specific unit/route that has been overlooked, then what you're saying is "Ner ner I know what it is but I'm not telling I want to watch you suffer"? Which seems malicious, as opposed to helpful?

You might be weary of posting such a post because of people that agree with the changes jumping on a bandwagon of "Omg look at Garrett's post, he's so wrong wrong wrong" and flaming you or whatever, which is fair enough - we all know there's always a group of people on two different sides who instead of discussing will flame, just have to ignore them. If you have genuine input, then post it up and let everyone see it. If the dire predictions turn out to be wrong, then fabulous - you tried to give some input, it wasn't needed but no harm no foul and great - no end of the world scenario either. And if they were right, then at least we've got early warnings to either make immediate changes now before simply "trying a round out" if anything is really bad and we can go "Oh, yeah, garrett's right there actually :O Quick fix!", and if you like after you could even go "told you so" to some of the argumentative types just for fun.

But waggling a "I know how it's all going to go wrong and I'm not telling any of you" just feels plain wrong, to me :(


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
What the hell have you been smoking?

nothing, why you holdin? i know what you've been saying. i'm glad you are all able to comfort yourself with such things as labelling me a 'tunnelvisioner' and will be happy to accept apologies when you, azzer, and anyone else who can't handle discussions or criticisms of the changes find out that people other than those 'on board' can have a valid point.

i have started to make a txt file of exact long term downstream problems of how subtly you've changed the fundamentals of some routes and will time stamp it and email it to someone else by this weekend so it can be revealed at round end.

just cuz i say the stuff isn't good, doesn't mean I don't have points worth discussing and since it's implemented does running me down do any good? does my post change things?

no you lot who just keep calling names because you don't agree with what i have to say just become more pathetic as time marches on. the big picture is that azzer is going to refine this game out of existence by continually listening to the same sycophantic people time in and time out.

so my prediction is in writing, and my 'global view' will also be in writing. then you all can cry, whine, throw parties, hug each other or whatever you do. I can't sit here and banter back because it's all just words til it starts ticking and real examples start happening. so I've got RL to worry about and will check back in a couple months to compare.

You are far more hostile than you are contstructive G-Man. We think the changes are good and overall positive, I don't think anyone can definatly say "They will all be the best, and it will be the most balanced round ever". We've given a few unbalanced things a tweak to make all the routes overall useful and playable.

We've worked hard to change these things for the better, and your negatives (and it is noted you have nothing positive to say) are not all correct from my perspective (be me right or wrong). Are you able to structure your points and explain why certain things are the case? 'Mystic still by and large really bad.' - Doesn't really help?

I am most certainly open to opinions and suggestions, so can I ask you to word them more constructivly, because you are certainly coming accross at purposfully malicious at individual's work and effort.


Tree Surgeon
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
Oxford, England
Anybody else dislike the new fly-over change? :(


I also agree with Garrett that scrapping EMPs will only herald a wave of threads complaining about overpowered PAs in about a week.

I'm mejh about all these changes. I will give them a go, but don't see much sticking.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Oregon, US
hm, i might be missing it, but it seems to me that the already impopular Extremist route is now totally killed and could as well be taken out of the game; pity.

You're missing it.

Extremist now does what it should do, and that is absolute rape of last tick. Rebels look pretty nice too given that they fire early and do decent damage.

I imagine the route will see a large boost in use this round at least by contactable players.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
hm, i might be missing it, but it seems to me that the already impopular Extremist route is now totally killed and could as well be taken out of the game; pity.

You're missing it.

Extremist now does what it should do, and that is absolute rape of last tick. Rebels look pretty nice too given that they fire early and do decent damage.

I imagine the route will see a large boost in use this round at least by contactable players.


im so tempted to go the route again and screw over my whole allies plans of route set up just to go extremists now. you really really really have no idea how sexy that route now looks. i can wait to see the extremists vs some strikers/robo incoming.

they around the same price as rpgs lets hope they perform just as well vs armour.
only downside i see is fantasy sorc side being alot more heavy on armour means its enemies have completley changes. and now it can scare off sa heavy sa routes.

unfortunately the dragons survivbability may have fallen in big battles where there is enough armour stripping. Luckerly thier cost is dropped

and my god i know emps are gona pa's will rpae. but will so be sweet to get myself some eta5 (defboosted) f117's to kill poms/flak and people gash enough to atatck +1 +2 eta targets

over all apprehensive pom is too weak to stop some units now, worried arsonist route now has effectively 2 layers of lethals that hurt a pom. and thiefs are awsome anyway

pleased shud push less ppl to have jeeps and more to have arsonist route. meaning more chance to bounty hunt the route without mass jeeps.

all in all im excited, but yeah.

ps. also arsonists cost is outstanding.= for its capabilites going to be a very nice early unit, third tier dev same as pbs. (i wounder if the route is still the quickest to develop if so WOW) but 30k a pop and 180init. eta 3, i know its meant to kill poms, but seems an awful lot like our old version of bikers. but hope it isnt over powered and the 30% all targetting (and cost combined)... will wait to see it in action before i whine :D. poms got screwed over this round. cant stop armour at all now, and another layer of killer. one that shoots b4 poms like the old biker unit did. though least it will die nicely vs pa's which have very few enemies now and will probably ber around in force.

so glad im an armour killing route this round

edit: pps. azzer do you hate me? did u really have to make my first post on wiki under players section fantasy route, completely obsolete only a few days after i posted.... did u really have to make me need to reset so many of the best ratios on the best ratio thread. :p
Last edited:


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007

Arsonists are NLT, not LET. Also, Poms are now a decent unit, rather than being absurdly overpowered. The route has Pom to take out health and HV to take out armour.

sorry missed that. though that is very nice. in many ways that the unit is nlt. i retract some of my previous statement :)

when i said poms cant stop armour at all now i meant the unit not the route obv. but yeah now its almost like an nld version of specila ops sa/ass in some respects. I am more concerned about the ratio poms will get on things like tl's, vamps, shocks etc. guess i best wait and see


Feb 8, 2009
Idaho, USA
Ill through it in there, love the changes. It keeps things fun. Not so hot on the changing the land though. You shoulda let us try it because it prolly woulda been an epic fail anyway.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Extremist now does what it should do, and that is absolute rape of last tick.
you really really really have no idea how sexy that route now looks. i can wait to see the extremists vs some strikers/robo incoming.

I actually didn't like the changes to extremists as it harder to make them fire in attacks now and in defence they will be a no fun route for both the owner and the attacker(s). I wonder how many times you'll see your units fire during the round and even with the impressive stats how many of those BR's you'll be on the winning side :p Unless you find it fun in making attackers recall tho that's not one of the main reasons i play bush :p


Landscape Designer
Apr 26, 2008

Thugs are going to down-right RAPE PoM's this round regardless :p But good thing small ones can't just constantly rush huge ones with adren rush now.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
PoMs will just be more dependent on the alliance this round, is all :p


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
The Hague
Bikers firing AFTER poms again. Thank you.

You know it ;)

1 thing, why is Hummer just 28k??
They seem a little bit TOO cheap imo.. Jeeps is still 40k, and has same stats.. just a higher bonus on jeeps, and no bonus on hums.
They are both for the same prupose, but the 300% AD on jeeps vs jeeps is really worth 12k?!


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Antwerp, Belgium
Bikers firing AFTER poms again. Thank you.

You know it ;)

1 thing, why is Hummer just 28k??
They seem a little bit TOO cheap imo.. Jeeps is still 40k, and has same stats.. just a higher bonus on jeeps, and no bonus on hums.
They are both for the same prupose, but the 300% AD on jeeps vs jeeps is really worth 12k?!

Jeeps and humvee don't have the same stats. I would assume that together with the cost, their stats have been lowered as well, meaning jeeps are probably on the high end of the 5 * on armour, and humvee now on the low end. And as we all know * aren't linear, that makes a major difference in absolute numbers.
I do think that this is the case, because I can't remember humvee being 6* on armour. :p


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Bikers firing AFTER poms again. Thank you.

You know it ;)

1 thing, why is Hummer just 28k??
They seem a little bit TOO cheap imo.. Jeeps is still 40k, and has same stats.. just a higher bonus on jeeps, and no bonus on hums.
They are both for the same prupose, but the 300% AD on jeeps vs jeeps is really worth 12k?!

Jeeps and humvee don't have the same stats. I would assume that together with the cost, their stats have been lowered as well, meaning jeeps are probably on the high end of the 5 * on armour, and humvee now on the low end. And as we all know * aren't linear, that makes a major difference in absolute numbers.
I do think that this is the case, because I can't remember humvee being 6* on armour. :p

also jeeps fire first, and the jeeps +300% vs jeeps is helpful when defending. though i do think humvees get the better deal.

also £40,000 is still pretty cheap. (not for the route but compared to the rest of the units, not many units as good as jeep for less than 40k) you also get some idea about the damage compared to humvess. as jeeps +300% bonus, humvee +500% bonus. they need quite alot more boost. I cant imagine humvees doing as good vs jeeps as other jeeps do.


Dec 14, 2007
ill start with a negative, EMP's i think they should have stayed PA's are going to kick some serious ass when they come out. im thinkng of going RPG this round since im guessin there will be an influx in robo's now that emps are out.

F117's good move to reduce them down to ETA 6 =]

Finally the Steel Walls have been removed! i played Puppets Round 30 and loved them the only down fall was couldnt get enough LET armour for attacks! now with the armoured car this is poissble! also the change in ETA means you dont get slaughtered by every unit under the sun before you fire! =]

lookng forward to the new round!! interested to see what happens!


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Just an update on the fly-over "mini spy scan" - ID's no longer appear in the reports, all ID's get replaced with the text "[somebody]". So the flyover has a more limited use from a full spy report, but still beneficial early on.


Head Gardener
Sep 30, 2008
depending on how u end up wording the fly over report, it could make fake mobs very useful at the start