Iron Golems??


Mar 21, 2010
Maybe the easter eggs and magical moments are applied based on the unit's background?

Like in myths, the Iron Golem is incredibly strong against non-magical weapons and there was a chance that the weapon got stuck in them and they wouldn't die untill you took it out. This translated in ticks, could maybe explain why they survive a whole tick while still being targetted (surely they must get targetted, otherwise the whole combat system is crooked) and they only survived because the weapons got stuck in them (ok, sounds a bit like stoner-talk, but bare with me). Which could explain why the Golems do survive, while still being targetted. Once the tick is over, the supposedly stucked weapons are regained and the Golems die.

If it doesn't make sense... sorry, I'm high atm. :)


Apr 15, 2008
An interesting thread. I agree with steve_god. Ive been here forever, never seen the fantasy route stuff. ****, i tested the bloody things. O well.
But u lot are just grumpy. Its not effecting much, is a rare thing tbh. But i agree with ND. Bring back rock/paper/scissors. Much easier to comprehend and doesnt affect game play. Much anyway.


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
I like the hidden bonuses ideal - It gives people space to imagine what could possibly be hidden behind their staff that is relevant. :)


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
i think the golem itself will be like the witch or whatever if at night stormy or full mooned or something like that. it will just not die as it should

i dont think its a bad thing. no worse than the random factor, i care less about the fantasy route having random powers which you always forget to use when you go that route. and you would have to time perfectly and some of it will be luck of the weather in some cases. in short it just gives the route more random factor. imo im more annoyed at how vague it is in the descripitions and vampires

golems are like once in a while. sorcerers powers fluctuate randomly (is that an extra potent random factor or is that only occuring at certain times of the year in certain nights /day)

i think whats worse, is one side of the fantasy witch ww vamp is clear when its magical powers work. the other golem sorcs is a mystery.

also WW now swopped with mummy. so the fact it gets extra power when stormy is silly. it shud be when its not stormy and there is a full moon. but i guess there is more night time in winter when the weather is stormy than in summer. also since they got swopped with mummy stats and dont strip thier bonus power is kinda irrelivant its not a great unit anyway for damage

the bonuses dont annoy me or make me think "remove the uncertainty" because people need a bit of random and intregue anyway my main thing with fantasy is those damned vampires. (they also like nighttime prowling and stormy ness) so winter. the time its best to attack some one anyway. they gain a boost. if its night (4/6ths of the time) and they give horrible returns on insurance/injury

i think that is going to far. i mean sure not targeting middle was ****. and a price boost and targeting all ranges is good. but the unit is still not right. still a bit unfair. that if u were unlucky. random factor stormy night and very limited insurance and injury could all stack against you. which wouldnt matter if universal except the vampires targets specific route better than others
rpg ranger tl etc. so what you have done is given those routes a potential wild card enemy beyond what you can reasonably predict and cover. that unit has too much unknown probably the one in the fantasy branch that didnt need the additional random stormy night bonuses. especially with its sweet increase/restoration/fix in init