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Seed storage


Head Gardener
Nov 6, 2008
I like the idea, I was thinking though instead of capping seeds for every one why not cap seeds for people over say 15k acres for example, this way the top players won't be able to seed store but the mid to low players can still use the tactic to grow quicker, this would make rounds easier to resist against the top alliance?

Maybe I'm talking bulloks, feel free to shoot me down :p

Edit: it may make it easier to code?


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
I like the idea, I was thinking though instead of capping seeds for every one why not cap seeds for people over say 15k acres for example, this way the top players won't be able to seed store but the mid to low players can still use the tactic to grow quicker, this would make rounds easier to resist against the top alliance?

Maybe I'm talking bulloks, feel free to shoot me down :p

Edit: it may make it easier to code?

I can see why you would assume that, and I must say to a certain extent you would be right - It would push those with the most land out of attackable range of everybody. It wouldn't make the resistance easier, but it would mean everyone else can have fun whilst the 'OMG MUST WIN' alliance goes off without being able to attack anyone, til the eventual backstab, blah blah blah.


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Oslo, Norway
Instead i would suggest increasing the value of seeds. Say value of seeds = 2*actual value.

This would basically negate the effect of seed whoring as you gain score as if you plant anyway, and inactive players dont have to be punished and pushed further away from the game.

Have you considered the effect this would have on newly zeroed players in general, and newly zeroed solos in particular. When you are zeroed you drop out of range of your aggressor, and you get some harvs back through injuries to help you rebuild when you log back in. With this change they would grow back into range quickly, given both injuries and insurance, and on top of that a doubled seed value. Even if they will not grow into the range of their initial aggressor, there are plenty of others who would revel at the sight of a zeroed player, with all their score in seeds. The result would be a total and utter land rape, and ... I guess we all know where this will end.


Dec 14, 2007
The idea is good, but it could also backfire

When the top just stops planting.. means they wont grow, then the rank 2/3 allies do plant and get into range of the top again and get bashed


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
ok bored again, another idea.

what if your harvesters stopped harvesting seeds after you sit on them for so many ticks.
say you got the top ally sitting on seeds all round, thats fine and all, but ya...
say like seed storage is full or w/e and after like 100 ticks or so they just stop storing seeds until you plant or sell current ones. (but still allow the seeds to add up from voting each day to stay in seed storage) no one prolly understands what i'm saying but meh.

i ignored everybodies comments. because they are all irrelivant. its already been decided. azer likes this idea. capping the amount you can store. and was meant to introduce it back in age 5 when sorc route turned armour based and thier was a big overhaul (including a nice cool feature a unit tooltip)

as such azzer wanted this feature. and it shud be implimented. and it was considered the right direction for the game in mirc. when every one had thier say on that one fateful day....what a long day that was.


Jun 15, 2010
I still wouldn't plant because my storage was full, that would be silly to lose all my targets. And the people who aren't planting to keep out of range would probably do the same.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
I still wouldn't plant because my storage was full, that would be silly to lose all my targets. And the people who aren't planting to keep out of range would probably do the same.

if u want rank 1 u will plant.

if u dont and are happy in a top allaince you will lose alot of incomome whilst others gain income.

how many attacks have u had succedss on this week?
1-3 with 3-4people on your tick.
stealing an extra 200-300 acres really worth losing > £11,000,000,000,000

id say realistically suicide is the bigger probelm. people living on thier limit. so lets say lmit is a week of funds.

people then take halg those funds when maxed out spend and send. suiciding. but going for land.

so if the cap was 1 week and ryu spent half his weekly incoming. £5,500,000,000,000 = 2,500,000,000 flak?

pretty hard to stop with the lethals etc there too (not in ryu's case). and u can get that from selling seeds (sell all seeds instead of half) virtually. so dont even need a score jump.

but whilst there is no cap on seed storage people dont waste funds. and suicde at the top. they SQ. i think its a negative but also a positive.


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
Willy has made a valid (if not slightly confusing) point. There are ways to be a scorequeen, or still whore funds to an extent even with this barrier in place.
I think it's relatively alright as it is. If I go on holiday for a week, surely I should be entitled to continue my seed gain if I risk not hitting sleep mode? If this idea was implemented, this wouldn't be the case, and sleep mode becomes the economical as well as the safe option.

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