Round 45 Battle Reports


Tree Surgeon
Dec 28, 2010
Dalian China
attacking SC again, same guy, because once is never enough

[range] 118,714 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 230,609 hostile staff.
[range] 4,084,311 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 635,722 hostile staff.

Stunned: 230,609 [£11,530,450,000] enemies stunned.
Died: 635,722 [£25,814,332,000] enemies dead.

You gained 12,087 effectiveness.
You gained 50.57 fame.
You lost 65.39 honour.
You earned £524,164,382 bounty

ooops no defender, no fun, let's go back a few ticks later

[range] 29,199,145 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 11,053,729 allied staff.
[range] 96,632 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 130,679 hostile staff.
[range] 999,047 hostile Harrier attacked, killing 2,416,417 allied staff.
[range] 3,719,885 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 13,290,417 allied staff.
[range] 808,688 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 703,060 hostile staff.
[range] 1,386,138 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 1,951,074 hostile staff.
[range] 1,650,041 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 10,840,982 allied staff.
[range] 2,184,307 allied Dragon breathed fire on and melted 8,354,066 hostile staff.
[range] 6,831,808 hostile Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 19,584,413 allied staff.
[range] 1,453,820 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 1,469,952 allied staff.
[range] 3,071,210 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 486,252 allied staff.
[range] 329,855 hostile HQ Challenger 2 attacked, killing 2,044,599 allied staff.

Stunned: 130,679 [£5,834,104,000] enemies stunned.
Died: 61,186,761 [£898,608,099,000] friendlies dead. 11,008,200 [£356,296,749,000] enemies dead.

You gained 20,875 effectiveness.
You gained 18.56 fame.
You lost 63.55 honour.
You earned £4,889,011,912 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £134,833,474,000 insurance


Tree Surgeon
Dec 28, 2010
Dalian China
SC again 3vs1 this time .. I didn't even get to fire.. crap forgot geos too :(

[middle] 30,000,000 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 3,504 hostile staff.
[close] 538,230 allied Mummy attacked, killing 1 hostile staff.
[close] 900,000 allied Geo-Phys Thief stole 1,104 land. [297] tree. [669] bush. [75] flower. [63] grass. [0] uncultivated.
[close] 100,000 allied Stealth Thief stole 4 land. [1] tree. [3] bush. [0] flower. [0] grass. [0] uncultivated.

Died: 3,505 [£350,500] enemies dead

[close] 30,000,000 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 3,504 hostile staff.
[range] 15,000,000 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 1 hostile staff.
[close] 300,000 allied Geo-Phys Thief stole 1,006 land. [271] tree. [605] bush. [70] flower. [60] grass. [0] uncultivated.

Died: 3,505 [£350,500] enemies dead


Tree Surgeon
Dec 28, 2010
Dalian China
Attacking SC - go figure
[range] 14,933,702 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 37,238,697 allied staff.
[range] 1,458,000 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 1,438,357 hostile staff.
[range] 5,449,985 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 23,765,230 hostile staff.
[range] 5,311,056 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 21,025,286 hostile staff.
[range] 11,204,941 allied Dragon breathed fire on and melted 38,446,983 hostile staff.

Stunned: 1,438,357 [£72,592,565,800] enemies stunned.
Died: 37,238,697 [£227,418,898,000] friendlies dead. 83,237,499 [£969,405,147,100] enemies dead.

You gained 382,242 effectiveness.
You gained 53.29 fame.
You lost 61.58 honour.
You earned £19,493,646,583 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £29,865,040,600 insurance

[middle] 561,709 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 156,096 allied staff.
[middle] 1,448,018 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 561,740 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,744,300 allied Witch attacked, killing 561,740 hostile staff.
[middle] 5,423,607 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 991,456 hostile staff.
[middle] 5,282,681 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 9,381 hostile staff.

Stunned: 561,740 [£30,893,998,100] enemies stunned.
Died: 156,096 [£6,942,622,000] friendlies dead. 1,562,577 [£81,623,214,100] enemies dead.

You gained 61,920 effectiveness.
You gained 44.04 fame.
You lost 45.75 honour.
You earned £884,035,426 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £1,362,718,400 insurance.

[close] 1,744,300 allied Witch attacked, killing 31 hostile staff.
[close] 493,486 allied Seed Thief stole 49,348,598 stored seeds. [4,918,257] tree. [17,010,365] bush. [9,086,743] flower. [18,333,233] grass.
[close] 270,257 allied Geo-Phys Thief stole 1,284 land. [331] tree. [771] bush. [102] flower. [80] grass. [0] uncultivated.

Died: 31 [£3,100] enemies dead.

You stole 1,284 land. [331] tree. [771] bush. [102] flower. [80] grass. [0] uncultivated.
You stole 49,348,598 seeds. [4,918,257] tree seeds. [17,010,365] bush seeds. [9,086,743] flower seeds. [18,333,233] grass seeds.
You gained 0 effectiveness.
You gained 5.01 fame.
You lost 5.30 honour.
You earned £5,123,325 bounty


Tree Surgeon
Dec 28, 2010
Dalian China
Attacking SC yet again - think I took on the whole bloody alliance this time - oh yeah that means like only 1-2 actual players :p

[range] 4,750,781 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 427,689 hostile staff.

Died: 427,689 [£5,132,268,000] enemies dead.

You gained 5,173 effectiveness.
You gained 6.20 fame.
You lost 5.93 honour.
You earned £21,581,527 bounty


[middle] 9,645,890 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 3,989,213 allied staff.
[middle] 1,828,181 hostile Striker attacked, killing 279,470 allied staff.
[middle] 5,485,915 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 33,251,221 allied staff.
[middle] 9,971,447 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 52,121,876 allied staff.
[middle] 1,062,663 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 1,197,379 hostile staff.
[middle] 5,356,832 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 5,522,190 allied staff.
[middle] 2,224,813 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 8,261,636 allied staff.
[middle] 1,111,979 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 967,412 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,449,335 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 1,563,537 hostile staff.
[middle] 4,626,331 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 21,558,666 allied staff.
[middle] 3,646,039 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 4,198,085 allied staff.
[middle] 9,662,231 hostile Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 1,652,837 allied staff.
[raised] 734,825 new nanobots were assimilated.
[middle] 855,318 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 273,809 allied staff.
[middle] 179,311 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 14,818 allied staff.
[middle] 211,532 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 68,543 allied staff.

Stunned: 1,197,379 [£53,291,332,900] enemies stunned.
Died: 131,192,364 [£1,775,106,877,000] friendlies dead. 2,530,949 [£50,320,999,400] enemies dead.
Converted: 734,825 [£30,862,650,000] friendlies converted.

You gained 382,269 effectiveness.
You gained 4.77 fame.
You gained 33.63 honour.
You earned £575,512,824 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £300,945,761,000 insurance

[close] 1,809,654 hostile Striker attacked, killing 250,938 allied staff.
[close] 5,358,826 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 1,688,194 allied staff.
[close] 9,851,399 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 1,598,236 allied staff.
[close] 5,411,807 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 1,099 allied staff.

Died: 3,538,467 [£249,358,803,000] friendlies dead.

You gained 39,897 effectiveness.
You will soon be receiving £49,871,702,800 insurance


Tree Surgeon
Dec 28, 2010
Dalian China
Just some misc crap attacking who??? SC of course

[close] 1,000,000 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 1,000,895 allied staff.
[close] 53,965 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 2,932 hostile staff.
[m/c] 25,028,408 hostile Arsonist attacked, disabling 32,144,804 allied staff.
[m/c] 15,000,000 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 58,915,365 allied staff.
[close] 43,799 allied Biker attacked, killing 37,712 hostile staff.
[close] 19,975,392 hostile Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 743,838 allied staff.
[m/c] 5,998,982 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 2,811,408 allied staff.
[middle] 2,486,168 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 721,508 hostile staff.
[middle] 423,371 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 400,041 hostile staff.
[close] 2,544,633 hostile Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 508,788 allied staff.
[close] 96,147 allied Heavy Thug attacked, killing 144,468 hostile staff.
[close] 9,171,362 allied Jeep attacked, killing 812,800 hostile staff.

Distracted: 63,471,506 [£1,006,931,576,000] friendlies distracted. 2,932 [£49,598,000] enemies distracted.
Disabled: 32,653,592 [£233,138,268,400] friendlies disabled.
Died: 2,116,529 [£40,426,773,000] enemies dead.

You gained 21,261 effectiveness.
You gained 0.01 fame.
You lost 7.03 honour.
You earned £67,582,661 bounty.

[range] 27,003,057 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 44,895 hostile staff.

Died: 44,895 [£234,856,200] enemies dead.

You gained 263 effectiveness.
You gained 1.21 fame.
You lost 14.66 honour.
You earned £1,126,578 bounty.

[close] 2,000,000 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 1,730,586 hostile staff.
[close] 30,000,000 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 34,090,171 hostile staff.
[close] 2,000 allied Yob attacked, disabling 2 hostile staff.

Distracted: 1,730,586 [£3,841,358,800] enemies distracted.
Disabled: 2 [£4,800] enemies disabled.
Died: 34,090,171 [£75,764,306,200] enemies dead.

You gained 53,726 effectiveness.
You gained 3.35 fame.
You lost 3.65 honour.
You earned £160,931,149 bounty


Tree Surgeon
Dec 28, 2010
Dalian China
NEVER but NEVER let it be said that JamesNchina sits around and waits for Admin or Azzer to do something/nothing about people who blatantly cheat in this game.


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
NEVER but NEVER let it be said that JamesNchina sits around and waits for Admin or Azzer to do something/nothing about people who blatantly cheat in this game.

It's too bad your alliance as a whole doesn't think the same as you do, James.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 28, 2010
Dalian China
Creating fun for all

ME attacking what seemed like 1/2 of Dominion - it was fun guys hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

[range] 4,109,301 hostile Arsonist attacked, disabling 7,299,788 allied staff.
[range] 37,122,981 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 103,457,156 allied staff.
[range] 891,349 hostile Striker attacked, killing 183,199 allied staff.
[range] 784,797 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 1,103,900 allied staff.
[range] 20,000,000 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 6,215,466 allied staff.
[range] 4,024,337 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 5,517,128 hostile staff.
[range] 1,822,286 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 1,054,453 allied staff.
[range] 30,501,926 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 12,233,970 allied staff.
[range] 25,320,495 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 15,328,735 allied staff.
[range] 7,909,634 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 4,699,899 allied staff.
[range] 13,136,852 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 35,387,492 hostile staff.
[range] 3,641,874 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 10,058,224 hostile staff.
[range] 1,233 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 2,359 allied staff.
[range] 318 hostile Grenadier attacked, killing 499 allied staff.
[range] 27,828 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 44,141 allied staff.
[range] 5,315,920 allied Dragon breathed fire on and melted 37,748,588 hostile staff.
[range] 2,619 hostile Ninja attacked, killing 4,826 allied staff.
[range] 66,629 hostile Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 78,342 allied staff.
[range] 918,807 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 1,546,192 allied staff.
[range] 436,131 hostile Marine attacked, killing 206,297 allied staff.
[range] 225 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 113 allied staff.
[range] 330,605 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 63,486 allied staff.
[range] 48 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 78 allied staff.

Stunned: 5,517,128 [£272,123,950,100] enemies stunned.
Distracted: 108,201,196 [£815,238,004,400] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 19,533,758 [£506,272,732,200] friendlies disabled.
Died: 25,787,945 [£1,167,854,125,000] friendlies dead. 83,194,304 [£821,211,173,000] enemies dead.

My fire chickens fell asleep for mid :/
[middle] 3,923,812 hostile Arsonist attacked, disabling 7,596,341 allied staff.
[middle] 36,200,551 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 102,047,994 allied staff.
[middle] 846,454 hostile Striker attacked, killing 183,471 allied staff.
[middle] 578,783 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 848,551 allied staff.
[middle] 17,146,292 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 5,345,371 allied staff.
[middle] 2,158,949 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 2,807,351 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,492,391 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 926,053 allied staff.
[middle] 1,489,629 allied Witch attacked, killing 1,481,456 hostile staff.
[middle] 29,202,360 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 11,486,519 allied staff.
[middle] 19,677,040 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 10,855,831 allied staff.
[middle] 7,811,158 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 4,329,926 allied staff.
[middle] 4,158,357 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 8,746,101 hostile staff.
[middle] 676,598 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 2,254,726 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,194 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1,245 allied staff.
[middle] 262 hostile Grenadier attacked, killing 209 allied staff.
[middle] 26,440 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 13,389 allied staff.
[middle] 2,730 hostile Ninja attacked, killing 1,440 allied staff.
[middle] 79,200 hostile Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 51,373 allied staff.
[middle] 914,795 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 1,118,219 allied staff.
[middle] 53,729 hostile Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 15,409 allied staff.
[raised] 4,021 new nanobots were assimilated.
[middle] 437,354 hostile Marine attacked, killing 199,084 allied staff.
[middle] 230 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 100 allied staff.
[middle] 328,237 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 53,487 allied staff.
[middle] 48 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 47 allied staff.

Stunned: 2,807,351 [£138,592,788,000] enemies stunned.
Distracted: 106,391,309 [£742,988,403,300] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 19,082,860 [£464,621,085,300] friendlies disabled.
Died: 19,599,890 [£883,031,020,000] friendlies dead. 12,482,283 [£122,300,064,200] enemies dead.
Converted: 4,021 [£168,882,000] friendlies converted.

bye bye 2m geos :(
[close] 4,796 hostile Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 700 allied staff.
[close] 1,254,364 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 1,045,489 allied staff.
[close] 79,987 allied Serf attacked, killing 77,001 hostile staff.
[close] 1,826,215 hostile Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 21,326,307 allied staff.
[close] 3,805,558 hostile Arsonist attacked, disabling 8,295,045 allied staff.
[close] 36,032,671 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 78,667,468 allied staff.
[close] 837,542 hostile Striker attacked, killing 189,914 allied staff.
[close] 549,575 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 508,507 allied staff.
[close] 16,682,532 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 4,692,644 allied staff.
[close] 1,536,405 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 1,011,116 allied staff.
[close] 403,146 allied Witch attacked, killing 357,465 hostile staff.
[close] 7,787,146 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 4,820,444 allied staff.
[close] 7,351,382 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 17,319,080 hostile staff.
[close] 1,198 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 2,389 allied staff.
[close] 68,873 hostile Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 25,089 allied staff.
[close] 26,132 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 44,896 allied staff.
[close] 2,175,925 allied Dragon breathed fire on and melted 12,720,067 hostile staff.
[close] 905,009 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 1,368,262 allied staff.
[close] 501,089 hostile White Wizard zapped 70,177 allied staff.
[close] 54,864 hostile Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 16,474 allied staff.
[raised] 4,540 new nanobots were assimilated.
[close] 421,127 hostile Marine attacked, killing 189,265 allied staff.
[close] 211 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 90 allied staff.
[close] 321,930 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 50,249 allied staff.
[close] 47 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 28 allied staff.
[close] 542 allied Apprentice attacked, killing 887 hostile staff.
[close] 1,461,052 hostile Cloner attacked, bribing 1,171,205 allied staff.

Distracted: 84,578,997 [£678,430,195,100] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 29,646,441 [£84,241,944,500] friendlies disabled.
Died: 8,099,115 [£333,156,156,000] friendlies dead. 30,474,500 [£323,976,988,900] enemies dead.
Bribed: 1,171,205 [£46,057,495,000] friendlies bribed.
Converted: 4,540 [£190,680,000] friendlies converted.


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
Battle Report - Attacking Dominion
[range] 3,636,404 hostile Arsonist attacked, disabling 4,064,299 allied staff.
[range] 180,309 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 1,402,031 allied staff.
[range] 2,745 hostile Striker attacked, killing 823 allied staff.
[range] 440,888 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 1,827,887 allied staff.
[range] 14,892,960 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 26,402,480 allied staff.
[range] 123,615 hostile Siren sang out, freezing in place 101,150 allied staff.
[range] 1,331,797 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 983,748 allied staff.
[range] 44,733,020 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 21,214,951 allied staff.
[range] 12,363,400 allied Harrier attacked, killing 21,097,322 hostile staff.
[range] 21,574,112 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 27,410,740 allied staff.
[range] 16,719,078 allied Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 56,104,969 hostile staff.
[range] 30,548 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 14,696 allied staff.
[range] 367,686 hostile Iron Golem attacked, killing 107,498 allied staff.
[range] 49,950 hostile Sorcerer attacked, killing 31,337 allied staff.
[range] 945 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1,717 allied staff.
[range] 4,064,763 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 15,930,603 hostile staff.
[range] 155 hostile Grenadier attacked, killing 115 allied staff.
[range] 23,644 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 10,933 allied staff.
[range] 72,736 hostile Dragon breathed fire on and melted 145,680 allied staff.
[range] 4,948,630 allied Ranger attacked, killing 6,165,072 hostile staff.
[range] 1,001 hostile Ninja attacked, killing 505 allied staff.
[range] 5,163 hostile Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 2,948 allied staff.
[range] 353 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 1,147 allied staff.
[range] 3,235 hostile Marine attacked, killing 1,572 allied staff.
[range] 89 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 49 allied staff.
[range] 217,321 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 42,122 allied staff.
[range] 26 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 141 allied staff.
[range] 5,757,582 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 16,419,571 hostile staff.
[range] 1,291,113 allied Paratrooper attacked, killing 844,700 hostile staff.

Stunned: 101,150 [£5,243,351,000] friendlies stunned.
Distracted: 1,427,660 [£13,648,139,000] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 25,279,250 [£957,950,228,000] friendlies disabled.
Died: 56,960,509 [£1,294,780,938,800] friendlies dead. 116,562,237 [£2,094,258,028,100] enemies dead.

You gained 234,238 effectiveness.
You gained 1.30 fame.
You lost 4.48 honour.
You earned £21,678,764,433 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £41,111,268,000 insurance.


[middle] 3,250,389 hostile Arsonist attacked, disabling 2,142,338 allied staff.
[middle] 167,375 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 1,102,163 allied staff.
[middle] 1,831 hostile Striker attacked, killing 595 allied staff.
[middle] 6,318 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 21,657 allied staff.
[middle] 3,741,018 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 3,783,075 allied staff.
[middle] 4,638 hostile Siren sang out, freezing in place 3,561 allied staff.
[middle] 174,109 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 108,567 allied staff.
[middle] 12,797 hostile Witch attacked, killing 13,995 allied staff.
[middle] 39,399,561 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 16,387,287 allied staff.
[middle] 7,740,757 allied Harrier attacked, killing 9,091,213 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,284,488 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 4,099,008 allied staff.
[middle] 15,079,134 allied Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 4,143,505 hostile staff.
[middle] 28,754 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 14,178 allied staff.
[middle] 211 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1,186 allied staff.
[middle] 3,948,931 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1,597,196 hostile staff.
[middle] 17,835 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 16,815 allied staff.
[middle] 4,769,120 allied Ranger attacked, killing 1 hostile staff.
[middle] 5,515,326 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 1,855,559 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,121,323 allied Paratrooper attacked, killing 609,182 hostile staff.

Stunned: 3,561 [£185,529,000] friendlies stunned.
Distracted: 1,133,156 [£12,443,229,000] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 18,529,625 [£866,853,178,200] friendlies disabled.
Died: 8,028,083 [£191,354,875,200] friendlies dead. 17,296,656 [£499,561,363,700] enemies dead.

You gained 103,108 effectiveness.
You gained 2.03 fame.
You lost 11.37 honour.
You earned £12,943,466,649 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £4,381,614,000 insurance.


[close] 2,912 hostile Protestor Leader attacked, distracting 719 allied staff.
[close] 450,314 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 368,356 allied staff.
[close] 878,817 hostile Sleeping Gas Trap attacked, disabling 1,443,408 allied staff.
[r/c] 2,645,745 hostile Arsonist attacked, disabling 5,229,472 allied staff.
[r/c] 142,978 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 1,593,445 allied staff.
[r/c] 17,557,849 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 63,188,047 allied staff.
[close] 192,443 hostile Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 245,129 allied staff.
[range] 3,293,222 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 2,348,749 allied staff.
[close] 11,555,696 allied Harrier attacked, killing 13,171,561 hostile staff.
[r/c] 24,839 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 19,560 allied staff.
[close] 4,474,649 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 6,298,469 hostile staff.
[close] 172,341 hostile Yob attacked, disabling 60,825 allied staff.
[close] 35,674 hostile Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 67,638 allied staff.
[r/c] 9,356 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 9,318 allied staff.
[close] 4,961,387 allied Ranger attacked, killing 5,061,758 hostile staff.
[close] 7,165,577 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 8,636,264 hostile staff.
[close] 2,601,823 allied Paratrooper attacked, killing 993,776 hostile staff.
[close] 1,916 hostile News Van attacked, distracting 32,298 allied staff.
[close] 2,852 hostile Stunbot attacked, disabling 22,110 allied staff.
[close] 110,580 allied Geo-Phys Thief stole 880 land. [220] tree. [580] bush. [44] flower. [36] grass. [0] uncultivated.

Distracted: 2,268,825 [£13,151,494,000] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 9,172,202 [£59,305,385,200] friendlies disabled.
Died: 63,188,047 [£488,426,562,400] friendlies dead. 34,161,828 [£1,075,930,657,900] enemies dead.

You stole 220 land. [55] tree. [145] bush. [11] flower. [9] grass. [0] uncultivated.
You gained 130,134 effectiveness.
You gained 2.55 fame.
You lost 7.57 honour.
You earned £12,352,189,269 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £7,069,809,000 insurance.


Dec 14, 2007
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.
Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
-George S. Patton, Jr.


Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
All their flak and geos were dead after this tick, so we lost no land either.. At least not till the next 2 set of attacks that were following.. :p

Battle Report - Defending
[range] 20,000,000 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 12,099,571 hostile staff.
[range] 24,788,864 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 11,738,522 allied staff.
[range] 2,594,048 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 2,613,221 hostile staff.
[range] 8,970,929 allied Striker attacked, killing 4,225,592 hostile staff.
[range] 5,042,862 hostile Striker attacked, killing 2,091,183 allied staff.
[range] 3,418,111 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 14,681,873 hostile staff.
[range] 36,511,217 allied Vampire attacked, killing 110,245,813 hostile staff.
[raised] 4,230,541 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[range] 21,633,771 allied Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 62,250,687 hostile staff.
[range] 13,876,829 allied Gargoyle attacked, killing 31,981,853 hostile staff.
[range] 3,799,812 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 6,395,178 hostile staff.
[range] 5,824,519 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 23,416,812 hostile staff.
[range] 1,672,025 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 3,630,821 allied staff.
[range] 18,910,284 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 106,496,128 hostile staff.
[range] 20,069,660 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 16,084,597 allied staff.
[range] 1,794,191 hostile Grenadier attacked, killing 1,217,654 allied staff.
[range] 1,692,458 allied Werewolf attacked, killing 1,857,111 hostile staff.
[raised] 24,684 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[range] 2,650,925 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 12,149,708 hostile staff.
[range] 5,582,410 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 7,619,670 allied staff.
[range] 3,562,489 hostile Marine attacked, killing 1,516,249 allied staff.
[range] 3,681,665 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 2,876,223 hostile staff.
[range] 9,615,094 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 4,751,856 allied staff.
[range] 9,561,727 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 971,478 allied staff.
[range] 5,408,868 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 16,409,499 hostile staff.
[range] 9,424,222 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 18,103,497 allied staff.

Died: 407,699,269 [£4,507,235,222,600] enemies dead. 67,725,527 [£3,544,430,804,000] friendlies dead.
Converted: 4,255,225 [£68,305,756,000] enemies converted.
Last edited:


Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
I do love killing Chris_..<3

Battle Report - Defending
[middle] 30,000,000 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 17,531,022 allied staff.
[all] 2,757,674 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 2,045,234 hostile staff.
[close] 394,463 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 395,299 hostile staff.
[close] 302,754 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 313,531 allied staff.
[m/c] 992,245 allied Mummy attacked, killing 1,096,612 hostile staff.
[close] 54 allied Crazed Droid attacked, killing 175 hostile staff.
[close] 249,315 hostile Crazed Droid attacked, killing 836,092 allied staff.
[close] 3,268,707 hostile Biker attacked, killing 393,598 allied staff.
[close] 74,373,569 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 61,861,091 allied staff.
[all] 8,603,001 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 40,333,097 hostile staff.
[all] 21,452,417 allied Vampire attacked, killing 80,588,325 hostile staff.
[raised] 4,995,287 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[r/m] 4,985,106 allied Gargoyle attacked, killing 16,880,129 hostile staff.
[r/m] 1 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 3 hostile staff.
[middle] 6,593,782 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 6,383,333 allied staff.
[all] 26,273,653 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 188,926,761 hostile staff.
[close] 466,139 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 605,059 allied staff.
[close] 314,268 allied Yob attacked, disabling 643,755 hostile staff.
[close] 6,072,327 allied Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 23,421,681 hostile staff.
[close] 233,020 hostile Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 23,173 allied staff.
[m/c] 5,276,282 allied Ranger attacked, killing 8,937,740 hostile staff.
[m/c] 6,731,022 allied Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 29,733,139 hostile staff.
[raised] 2,314,920 new nanobots were assimilated.
[close] 806,300 hostile Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 263,363 allied staff.
[raised] 90,382 new nanobots were assimilated.
[middle] 4,964,295 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 2,083,276 allied staff.
[close] 163,894 hostile Heavy Thug attacked, killing 67,858 allied staff.
[close] 13,416,283 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 1,993,328 allied staff.
[middle] 8,433,489 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 778,490 allied staff.
[all] 12,713,243 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 119,552,241 hostile staff.
[close] 408,721 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 663,018 allied staff.
[m/c] 1,857,125 allied Lesser Vampire attacked, killing 386,164 hostile staff.
[close] 325,982 hostile Geo-Phys Thief stole 1,242 land. [420] tree. [594] bush. [116] flower. [112] grass. [0] uncultivated.

Distracted: 395,299 [£1,444,029,200] enemies distracted. 313,531 [£1,278,127,400] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 24,065,436 [£85,440,066,400] enemies disabled. 23,173 [£1,119,419,500] friendlies disabled.
Died: 488,479,620 [£4,700,593,628,200] enemies dead. 93,459,528 [£2,390,484,724,700] friendlies dead.
Converted: 7,310,207 [£177,151,232,000] enemies converted. 90,382 [£3,796,044,000] friendlies converted.

Battle Report - Defending
[all] 2,455,944 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 1,079,112 hostile staff.
[close] 51 allied Crazed Droid attacked, killing 21 hostile staff.
[all] 25,754,929 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 142,038,058 hostile staff.
[range] 17,768,674 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 9,636,200 allied staff.
[close] 154,972 allied Yob attacked, disabling 33,070 hostile staff.
[close] 5,281,484 allied Small Droid made some funny beeps and disabled 810,208 hostile staff.
[r/c] 3,766,759 allied Ranger attacked, killing 1,516,345 hostile staff.
[m/c] 5,067,162 allied Nanobot proved resistance was futile to 3,469,999 hostile staff.
[raised] 1,310,079 new nanobots were assimilated.
[close] 1,779,491 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 501,766 allied staff.
[close] 6,111,230 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 367,564 allied staff.
[all] 9,452,461 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 30,878,118 hostile staff.
[range] 7,651,913 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 4,336,127 allied staff.

Disabled: 843,278 [£43,398,308,000] enemies disabled.
Died: 178,981,653 [£1,928,471,616,000] enemies dead. 14,841,657 [£994,487,273,200] friendlies dead.
Converted: 1,310,079 [£55,023,318,000] enemies converted.


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
Battle Report - Defending ME
[range] 20,409,058 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 8,322,249 hostile staff.
[range] 48,214,455 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 15,699,443 allied staff.
[range] 8,813,681 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 2,908,910 hostile staff.
[range] 85,009,319 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 233,862,242 hostile staff.
[range] 39,806,147 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 454,311,358 hostile staff.
[range] 73,310,274 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 184,593,668 allied staff.
[range] 12,605,526 allied Striker attacked, killing 2,142,834 hostile staff.
[range] 8,797,430 hostile Striker attacked, killing 2,781,090 allied staff.
[range] 3,058,157 allied Biker attacked, killing 2,168,767 hostile staff.
[range] 38,054,261 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 164,151,874 hostile staff.
[range] 20,897,763 allied Vampire attacked, killing 82,825,778 hostile staff.
[raised] 3,843,147 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[range] 29,566,475 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 29,076,962 allied staff.
[range] 96,852 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 100,995 hostile staff.
[range] 3,649,736 allied Assassin attacked, killing 3,084,283 hostile staff.
[range] 11,692,885 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 4,499,128 allied staff.
[range] 19,746,462 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 11,777,989 hostile staff.
[range] 12,327,407 allied Harrier attacked, killing 20,771,208 hostile staff.
[range] 11,493,461 allied Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 34,437,135 hostile staff.
[range] 15,490,200 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 13,569,058 hostile staff.
[range] 42,331,507 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 16,788,703 allied staff.
[range] 3,363,188 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 9,271,821 hostile staff.
[range] 8,360,790 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 26,066,451 hostile staff.
[range] 857,908 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 1,206,694 allied staff.
[range] 20,670,874 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 130,797,722 hostile staff.
[range] 21,220 allied Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 38,046 hostile staff.
[range] 6,984,997 allied Dragon breathed fire on and melted 45,258,703 hostile staff.
[range] 3,893,877 allied Ranger attacked, killing 3,721,370 hostile staff.
[range] 48,835 hostile Ninja attacked, killing 34,274 allied staff.
[range] 469,239 allied Werewolf attacked, killing 1,195,756 hostile staff.
[raised] 19,756 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[range] 4,326,872 allied Apache Longbow attacked, killing 56,004,106 hostile staff.
[range] 2,977,914 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 4,504,211 allied staff.
[range] 6,052,157 allied Hypnotist mesmerised 18,725,330 hostile staff.
[range] 227,091 allied Marine attacked, killing 227,970 hostile staff.
[range] 8,372,231 hostile Marine attacked, killing 6,660,579 allied staff.
[range] 1,819,597 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 4,240,715 hostile staff.
[range] 6,556,378 hostile Shock Trooper attacked, killing 4,131,017 allied staff.
[range] 809,470 allied Jeep attacked, killing 302,567 hostile staff.
[range] 3,329,447 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 376,299 allied staff.
[range] 13,431,468 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 95,098,820 hostile staff.
[range] 2,355,933 allied Paratrooper attacked, killing 469,933 hostile staff.
[range] 198 allied Officer attacked, killing 59 hostile staff.

Stunned: 100,995 [£5,119,448,000] enemies stunned.
Distracted: 467,918,462 [£4,019,395,811,600] enemies distracted. 201,382,371 [£5,800,009,679,500] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 245,640,231 [£2,231,915,290,300] enemies disabled.
Died: 693,469,031 [£8,255,550,331,600] enemies dead. 68,969,697 [£3,459,467,788,900] friendlies dead.
Bribed: 18,725,330 [£137,261,184,400] enemies bribed.
Converted: 3,862,903 [£61,984,252,000] enemies converted.

You gained 255,046 effectiveness.
You gained 0.98 fame.
You gained 0.93 honour.
You will soon be receiving £34,301,641,000 insurance.


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
Battle Report - Defending ME
[middle] 16,735,331 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 7,025,044 allied staff.
[middle] 7,308,585 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 2,426,062 hostile staff.
[middle] 908,532 allied Mummy attacked, killing 968,834 hostile staff.
[middle] 74,912,673 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 105,919,055 hostile staff.
[middle] 11,223,755 allied Striker attacked, killing 2,554,740 hostile staff.
[middle] 18,261,814 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 19,093,458 hostile staff.
[middle] 27,058,507 allied Vampire attacked, killing 5,981,101 hostile staff.
[raised] 865,405 corpses twitched into life, becoming Lesser Vampire.
[middle] 5,909,663 allied Assassin attacked, killing 390,511 hostile staff.

Disabled: 105,919,055 [£467,152,463,600] enemies disabled.
Died: 31,414,706 [£1,478,416,029,200] enemies dead. 7,025,044 [£415,520,643,900] friendlies dead.
Converted: 865,405 [£13,846,480,000] enemies converted.

You gained 3,048 effectiveness.
You will soon be receiving £3,162,156,400 insurance.


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
You earned £150,618,409,535 bounty.

The little things in life that make it feel AAAALLLL worthwhile <3


Hydroponics Developer
Apr 22, 2009
Northants, UK
And losses? :p I lost 2m Harriers :(

EDIT: Dat BR...
