Round 30 Awards!!!


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
EH - Don't need to say it, everyone has!
EH leader for the poor sportsmanship of his ally, simple as.

I'm intrigued by this - what did MattM do to deserve 'poor sportsmanship' and who is 'everyone' that said we were the worst alliance?

Are you one of the two guys in Discworld with loads of land that I attacked a few times in the last week of the round? Because if you are, don't judge the leader by my attacks. If you aren't, I'm interested to see what warrants us to receive your awards :)

I was most surely one of those in Discworld you refer to, and I dont think Masterhunta was the other... (And I didn't mind losing land, as I was trying to get to 50K stolen... I just disliked people who felt the need to kill my flak doing so, when they could easily just flakked through...) :D

Must be some misunderstanding.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Alliance of the round - TBA
They won simple as that.

TBA? There was no ally with that name last round, guess you mean Inimical, JJBs ally?

Top Alliance Rankings:
Rank: 1 Name: Inimical Led By: JJbrosandjl Members:20 Acres:623,724 Score: 1,357,956,779,910

Take a look at "worst alliance" votes for the majority of the threads.
Mostly they say TBA.

Yet you pick up on when TBA is put in Best alliance.

Another classic example of TBA bashing this round \o\ (The other being that TBA are worst attackers yet war huh are the best defenders :p )

Well, I "awarded" Evolution as the worst ally, so I'm afraid that critique doesn't ring true.

And you can hardly claim Inimical as worst ally of the round, SG and Overlude for handing Inimical the victory on the other hand, not understanding that only 20 players can win, well, they still can't compete with downright cheaters.

TBA was not an ally, it was a umbrella organization for 3 allies, thus they cannot be "best ally" or "worst ally". And as a umbrella organization they were a success, in so far as one of their member allies won, but there is no prize for "best umbrella" :p



Nov 9, 2008
EH - Don't need to say it, everyone has!
EH leader for the poor sportsmanship of his ally, simple as.

I'm intrigued by this - what did MattM do to deserve 'poor sportsmanship' and who is 'everyone' that said we were the worst alliance?

Are you one of the two guys in Discworld with loads of land that I attacked a few times in the last week of the round? Because if you are, don't judge the leader by my attacks. If you aren't, I'm interested to see what warrants us to receive your awards :)

Sorry mate, will correct it now, meant Evo as someone said...


Nov 9, 2008
Alliance of the round - TBA

Worst Leader
Ohh this gets kinky...
IoF... you contacted multiple leaders before round to organize resistance against TBA, they all agreed to join, then after first 24h you started to mass these alliances and made sure they wouldnt ever join resistance or be able to or interested to do so. You pretty effectively killed all the help outside of TBA and WH you could have had. You killed Ogluk, Bruce and My 2 alliances... counting all top 15 allys at that point you actually destroyed almost half of them... Awesome idea. You actually harmed the round more than any other player did. What did you gain from those massive wave attacks? Well we all can see how well you did in the end.. and how you beated TBA with those acres. This is what I call handing the victory over.

You will find that classed as "Bad sportsmanship" not "Worst Leader", IoF was pretty good at leading tbh, the "Resistance" died fast due to people loosing faith not because we killed people, you will find that we killed TDT and attacked TDL quite a while after the "Resistance" was dead, thanks.

It is my awards and I nominate who ever I want for what ever reason I want. I call bad leadering that you destroy those who could help you to win and then you lose.

What else is that but bad leadering? He shot himself not to leg but to both legs, arms and then head with his actions. Made sure his alliance wouldnt be ranked above 5th position... if one man makes such decision for his alliance i think it is very bad leadering. If he had not attacked resistance alliances with masses he would have had 7vs 3 situation and TBA might have fallen, then he could have used remaining alliances to kill WH and then most likely secure win. Now instead he went for mass waving "friendlies" and managed to criple resistance with his bad decisions.

That is not unsortsmanship for me that is plain stupid and bad play and he was responsible = bad leader.

As far as I am aware, please do quote me if i am wrong but Ethereal was never actually part of the "resistance" but yes it is your choice on whom you nominate for what, you just sound like a "griper, with a been in his bonnet" tbh though..

scary as it is i have to agree with blackwolf. Polo and IOF seem to think that not truceing is the way to win in a resistance, which is ridiculous. If they had stopped there members from mass attacking affliction when we were fighting with them in the resistance we would have commited more then our 25% lets.

you lost cause your members were still hitting us while we were actively out on attacks with you.

You lose! /thread

Flame... i ain't even going to bother, not much i can say tbh apart from lulz!


Feb 2, 2009
Enrico said:
I was most surely one of those in Discworld you refer to, and I dont think Masterhunta was the other... (And I didn't mind losing land, as I was trying to get to 50K stolen... I just disliked people who felt the need to kill my flak doing so, when they could easily just flakked through...)

I was a POM so I left your flak alone :) Sorry anyway!

Masterhunta said:
Sorry mate, will correct it now, meant Evo as someone said...

Ah that makes more sense :)

Alliance of the round
WH even if they did bash us a bit :(

Honourable Mention Alliance
TDL - Did well and Godsend's stealth attacks on us were sneaky :p

Best Leader

Player of the Round - Allied
RichardM for holding our alliance up with his defence.

Best Offensive Player
Tobapopalos - Got insane bounty in a very short time

Worst Player
"My Name is Mitch" for spying.

Best Moments of the Round
- Our leader (was it Yang? Or Davs?) on the third tick of the round as a joke made the alliance tax the maximum and pissed off at least one person :p
- Beating Hobbe to 10k.
- MattM getting killed on SAS when he thought he was attacking Ka Tet.


Nov 9, 2008
Enrico said:
I was most surely one of those in Discworld you refer to, and I dont think Masterhunta was the other... (And I didn't mind losing land, as I was trying to get to 50K stolen... I just disliked people who felt the need to kill my flak doing so, when they could easily just flakked through...)

I was a POM so I left your flak alone :) Sorry anyway!

Also, i was pom and was in chance not Discworld :p