Mw3 or bf3


Tree Surgeon
Dec 16, 2007
SE Kent, England
Toby, thanks for that post. I was seriously going to buy BF3 just to see what it was like. The whole "BF3 has eclipsed CoD" talk annoyed me and it took me almost too long to water the fire out.

I can't be dealing with's the biggest, most irritating problem in online gaming EVER. So if that's an issue, then screw it. The jumping like a tard made me LOL quite alot.

More negatives than positives is never good, and from the majority, I've heard people talk more about negatives than positives. The only positive people claim, is the change. How that is a valid positive I don't know.

/me awaits more from Call of Duty :)


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
I wouldn't say there are more negatives than positives, although I understand my previous post may have given that impression.

I think change is important, especially considering every CoD game since CoD4 has basically been the same game with new maps (sometimes not even with all-new maps).

The maps on BF3 seem a lot more interesting than on MW3. MW3 maps are probably the worst of any CoD game so far. They're all pretty much the same with a massive emphasis on SMG cluster****s rather than more methodical tactics.

BF3 is about suppression, flanking and teamwork. If you run around by yourself you will die.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
I didn't buy bf3 due to the beta sucking donkey willy. But now have the key for it and played a bit last night.

I got mw3 and it's mw2 with some added benifits with no negatives.

Good game, enjoy it. Without wanting blowing my own trumpet, I am pretty decent at CoD and can win pretty much every game i play by being a bit robotic. I find bf a more immersive (sp) game though. It's more of a challenge. Feels alot more epic.

BFBC2 is better than BF3 though from what i have found so far. They seem to have taken a step back. I don't like the interface, the maps are a tiny bit too big (More for PC 64 player) and the graphics seem to be WORSE than BFBC2! :s

I'd agree with what most of toby said too about backing out and lag.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
i do like the guns on bf and thier progression. The way you unlock additional class related perks apeals more to me than the levelling and unlocking on cod. that said i like them both. and until i play bf3 properly i cant really say which i prefer. if it was bfbc2 vs mw2 then id say i find them both really fun for completely different reasons. its just what im in the mood for. id imagine ill find it similar with battle field. i do like the way on battle field games everything can be destroyed. also a ranged sniper shot with some bullet drop and estimating where the player is running too is so much more rewarding than a quickscope agoc shot in mw3.

The thing i hate most is i never have anyone to play with. and team orientated stuff just means you get some campers or worthless dead weight not even trying to work together no matter what game type. ive unlocked moab on mw3 and still lost the team deathmatch because of useless people just running in.

also toby i find smg run & gun players on mw3 die pretty well when you have sitrep pro and a head set.


Feb 17, 2012


I got a ~160m headshot on Battlefield today on rush on wake island. AWESOME.

well yes tho BF is much easer to got Head shots than cod MW3 but guys add me name is Toxic zL

Make sure you use all the caps i it and use the GaP BETWEEN Toxic and zL hehe 0X


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
How is it easier to get headshots in BF3 than MW3? I would have said it's more difficult to get them in BF3. Although getting headshots in MW3 is tricky given that sniping is not the easiest thing to do in the game. BF3 makes it seem more challenging with the actual drop rate of the bullet over distance, and with people running everywhere etc.

Both games are fun, I just find BF3 more challenging.
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Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Having played BF3 a lot more since my first post, the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives :/

The create a class system is confusing as ****. It keeps telling me I have new stuff unlocked (the little orange triangle thing), but I have no idea what it is.

Matchmaking when playing with friends is utterly useless. You get people in the same squad and then look for a match, and you all end up on different teams. Why?!

Trying to play at not-peak time is pointless. I tried playing late last night and I got put in a game of rush which was 6 of us against 1 guy. Tried a couple other times with no real difference.

It seems pretty buggy. I got stuck in a floor on that big beach map. I walked through the door and sunk through the floor. Had to suicide to get out. Loads of times it won't let me spawn for no particular reason. Loads of times on killcam I've seen snipers lying down on a rock with most of their body submerged in rock. Retarded.

Spawns are utterly retarded. I thought spawns on MW3 could be a pain in the ass, but nothing prepared me for this.

All in all, for a much less irritating gaming session, buy MW3.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
I agree with Toby on this. How anyone in the world could troll MW3 for this pile of dirt is beyond. EA/DICE should have spent longer developing this, giving it that bit more polish, rather than rushing it out in front of mw3.

I broke my pad and TV because of battlefield and I hate Twigs for it.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Get that rage under control wigga!

The main thing that annoys me is when you're in a squad and it puts you on different teams.

I havn't had a game yet where i am on Franny's / Toby's team where i have not enjoyed it. Even if we lose. Because youre playing in a squad and it's fun to take things together.

But when you're on different teams or in a squad full of idiots then it just gets really frustrating and unplayable.