• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

Azzer to return

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Dec 20, 2007
when a owner of a game/server cant be on that much they really should assign a few ppl they know well and trust(and are knows by the player base) and give them powers, like in bush case locking powers and such
and i agree its been ages since azzer been about visually, and this like 1 post each round doesnt really cut it


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Cheshire, England
Maybe Azzer should have a Twitter?

"Azzer is having his morning coffee and scratching his head trying to fix an annoying coding issue"


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
So much for any of the major updates ever coming to fruition. I've been waiting nearly a year, maybe more, for that fairness calculator to make its introduction. Guess we'll never see it.


Garden Designer
Dec 16, 2007
tbh I've given up on this cause. If you still like playing, play. If you don't, stop. Whining clearly isn't getting anyone anywhere.


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Bloody Snow...
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm fed up of the snow now. I'm still snowed in with a foot of snow in my garden, and my car encased in a frozen block of snow without a single bit of the car itself visible, and it's been like this for most of the time over the past couple of weeks, grrr. I've been enduring an unreliable internet line for some time already, but the snow and ice now is even starting to affect the power lines here and I'm having the electricity flickering on and off randomly through the day. I'm going to put the snow to use and recruit an army of snowmen for havoc and hope everyone wipes them out in some sort of reverse sick revenge...

At least he added this to overview...great


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Community Manager And Myself: Link Thu 07th Jan, 2010. 18:22:19
As most people had already guessed was going to happen, after an "unofficial/informal" trial, Weeble is taking up a new role within Bushtarion - and is now the official "Community Manager", taking up a new role with admin permissions on the forums, and the possibility for extended abilities within the game system itself. His role as community manager is to act as the liaison between the players, and also between myself and the community. Rather than spend 90% of my time dealing with "community matters" as I used to do and be unable to get on with programming, I have adopted the position I started Bushtarion with, as a developer. Weeble visits Bush HQ in person frequently, and also has the ability to contact me through a number of means - he's reliable, trustworthy, and knows his stuff! He will also be able to build up summaries of views, opinions, situations, filter them, and alert me to emergencies and summaries of it.

This also coincides with me taking a break for the time being from developing and working on Bushtarion full time, so that I can finally finish my massive web based RPG, which has come on in huge strides over the past few months and is now very near completion - I'll be looking at getting some beta testers from Bushtarion in before long and releasing it by Summer, the new game is looking fantastic at the moment and I'm very excited about it.

In the meantime Weeble will be handling the essential community aspects of Bushtarion, and alerting me to any emergencies as and when they happen. I'm leaving the current "major developments" of Bushtarion for the immediate being, to be added in within the next couple of rounds, though there will still be minor updates, balances and tweaks of course. I'll also still be logging on and checking my mails for reports of multis etc. to check through, though Weeble will also be able to provide me with lists of people that need investigating if anybody sends reports to him. I'm sure you can live without me holding your hands and radically altering Bushtarion for the time being, in times gone by Bushtarion could go for 6-18 months without seeing an update, now people try and throw a riot if they don't get updates every other month, but that has to stop! ;) Good luck this coming new round, and good luck to Weeble in his new role!

Just spotted this, so yea...Azzer isnt returning!


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
*sigh* now we have two invisible admins. fantastic. Bushtarion does in fact need those updates that he so casually refers to as unnecessary. Fairness calc, proper BHing to name a couple. Ah well, can't be helped i suppose.

I wonder if his RPG is as close to completion as the Fairness Calculator is ;)


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
Well if Azzer can't be arsed I don't know about everyone else but I most certainly aint putting money in his pocket. And no we are not expecting an update every other month we have been expecting this 'fairness calculator' for about a YEAR now.

I suggest everybody who has played this game round after round spent their own hard earned cash on this game simply stops putting money into it. Then maybe Azzer will wake up and realise that some stupid RPG that has been in development longer than I've played bushtarion which is a long time isn't as important as his current game.

What a great disappointment Azzer!


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
I never signed up to play because I liked weebles game. If weeble is our front man 'nuff said in my opinion. (Lets face it he is rather ****.)

As for the current over view post. Lol.

Subtext of the post is something along these lines. "I cant be arsed with this game anymore. Too bad. Enjoy Weeble though, even though he is a bit ****"

Someone handed authority will not be the same as someone who commands authority.

Maybe its just me but I dont see Weeble as an authority figure. *shrugs*


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
I never signed up to play because I liked weebles game. If weeble is our front man 'nuff said in my opinion. (Lets face it he is rather ****.)

As for the current over view post. Lol.

Subtext of the post is something along these lines. "I cant be arsed with this game anymore. Too bad. Enjoy Weeble though, even though he is a bit ****"

Someone handed authority will not be the same as someone who commands authority.

Maybe its just me but I dont see Weeble as an authority figure. *shrugs*

So true.

Lets be honest, Weeble is nobody. Does he play the game? Does he know anything about ingame problems? Does he know all the rules about AR triggering or land farming? Nobody knows anything about him. Every now and again he shows up and locks a forum thread for asking where the **** Azzer is and tells us to PM Azzer if we have a problem, and thats about it.

I never buy BCs these days anyway, but now I know I never will, and I advise others to do the same.


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
It's nothing to do with "Can't be arsed". You make it sound like I'm on some beach villa somewhere sipping on a cocktail laughing about life. What I'm actually doing is programming feverishly without break on another major project, so that I can get that out of the way, as it has to be finished this year... and that will allow me to come back to Bushtarion features and still be physically capable of keeping the games going.

I think it's a real shame that my own players want to imprison me to do their bidding without ever allowing me a break to work on other projects, whilst throwing an absolute paddy because I decided not to constantly add features to and alter major functions of the game every 3 months. In nearly 8 years now of running, we've had 5 full ages and innumerable alterations between each that didn't trigger ages. The last age happened only just 1 year ago. The major features that are "in the middle of development" (ie not ready to release atm) will alter the game drastically once again. Just because I'm not now throwing out huge game mechanic altering features every 6 months doesn't mean I've run away forever and no longer care about Bushtarion.

From the point Bushtarion started, to recent rounds, the number of features I added and changed were getting more and more frequent, and more and more major. Players seem to have grown accustomed to this, taken it for granted, and come to expect it. Barely a year in to one major age change (past ages have lasted multiple years before a new one came along) and this is the response.

If anyone is suprised as to why I feel like I need a community manager to deal with the modern day player attitudes they only need to read the last few posts of this thread. And now it looks like Weeble's going to enjoy the flak. Anyone appointed to any position of power that doesn't do exactly what a player wants is going to get flak, and since different players usually want different things, it'd be impossible for anyone not to get flak. But sadly it's become commonplace for people to try and press the self-destruct button for everyone when they themselves aren't happy...

As for Weeble not playing the game in an active role (allianced, high ranked, playing "properly") - that is key to his position. ANYONE that was actively playing the game and involved in some way would become target for gross conspiracies sooner or later the moment anything happened to anyone that had been their "enemies" in-game past or present, and the griping would then be "OMG why has Azzer appointed someone that's clearly going to be biased".

Edit, Timeline:
Age 1: July 2001. ("minor" game)
Age 2: June 2002. (first "proper" version of Bushtarion)
Age 3: October 2003.
Age 4: July 2006.
Age 4.5: December 2007.
Age 5: February 2009.

Second edit: Just pasting in from the latest news/updates announce:
Age 5.5/age 6, is not going to come in less than 12 months after Age 5. It's going to be coming around Summer time 2010 by current time projections. I've taken a 12-18 month break to work on another project in the past - between ages 3 and 4, and I've taken many minor breaks to do little bits (the odd month here and there) on my current RPG project in the past... I'm now making one major push on the RPG project to get it out the first half of this year and then you will have me back. Please keep in mind the above timeline when you start thinking about "lack of updates" to the game... and be happy... it's a new decade, new things to come ;)
I think people just need to put things in to perspective a bit more. Players have gotten far more needy in recent rounds.
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