Pussy Blockers declare WAR on Spit 'n Swallow

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Jan 31, 2009
I see in this thread a bunch of elitist old school players pissing on new players and demeaning their attempts to learn the game, and failing to be proper 'FTW'.

No wonder the player base is stuck. You have to be contactable 24/7, and you have to learn a very intricate and difficult game by getting your ass kicked over and over with little guidance. God forbid you start this game from scratch as a solo, because you will have NO clue. And forgive me, but not everyone can invest 12+ hours per day to learn the ins and outs of this game. The only solos who PWN are the ones who have played this game for several rounds or who somehow have a very intricate knowledge and understanding of the game mechanics. This is my 3rd round and I have neither.

Maybe if some of you e-penis waving hardcore, old timers focused more on training a few noob players each round (and some do) rather than recruiting all the old-school players you can find...in order to have an UBER alliance, things might be more fun. And people that try bush, might actually stay.

You people sh!t on blackwolf, but at least he recruited noobs and tried to train them.

To be honest though commy as with every game ever created. There will always be the elite and the best at this game. It shouldn't be easy so that ANYONE can pick it up and play for the win. Skill and activity are the only things which determine your rank. Having all the activity in the world will still mean you get smashed by a more experienced player and thats how it should be. The top are the top because they are the best. They aren't undermining people who aren't as good as them, they are merely highlight the naivity of these players who assume just because they want to win they should have a chance. Anyone looking to understand the situation of the game rather than purely to attack or defend their own opinions will realise that PB are winning because they are superior in terms of all the skills required to play the game.

Why would anyone want to play in a group that isn't going to win when they are putting all their time and effort into the game? They have worked hard for their current rank and the only way to stop them winning is for people to stop going "OMG i lost lets moan" is to spend the rest of the round and try to become more knowledgable about the game mechanics, have more wars with other alliances to become more familiarised with the game. The ideology that people need to hold your hand and train you to be a pro just makes me want to vomit. The best get where they are by learning the game and figuring things out for themselves, it is only you who is responsible for your in-game capabilities. Not f0xx, Cyrus, Azzer or me. YOURS


Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
I see in this thread a bunch of elitist old school players pissing on new players and demeaning their attempts to learn the game, and failing to be proper 'FTW'.
Mind you, the SnS alliance is in no way made of new players. Their line up is in some ways even more impressive than ours (the original line up that is). They had players which have won rounds, organisers such as Twigley and Cyrus who have proved to be among the best in the game.

Not only that but it was exactly the same people (or at least most of them) who were laughing at us a few rounds ago when TBA won the round. Now when it is 1 on 1 they managed to lose the round in a record time.

[edit] I just noticed the part about BW training noobs and I laughed hard. Back at round 17 when I led an alliance for a first time we had to stand against groups such as BW's best line up ever, the dutchies and Sordes. It was exactly BW who after farming my ally for a day or two came to me and told me, "You are out of your leaugue". You know what I did? I went to the dutchies and we pwnd his ass.

Commy 64

Feb 25, 2009
the only way to stop them winning is for people to stop going "OMG i lost lets moan" is to spend the rest of the round and try to become more knowledgable about the game mechanics, have more wars with other alliances to become more familiarised with the game. The ideology that people need to hold your hand and train you to be a pro just makes me want to vomit. The best get where they are by learning the game and figuring things out for themselves, it is only you who is responsible for your in-game capabilities. Not f0xx, Cyrus, Azzer or me. YOURS

What you say is not without merit. What I've highlighted in red though, is a tad overreactive. I'm not saying people need to be trained up to pro status. But almost everyone laments the small player base of Bush. And if you do not extend some sort of guidance to noobs, they won't stay. If there are more people playing, than the game can be fun even for worthless douchebags like myself who, for reasons such as real life, jobs, kids, etc, can't be your definition of "FTW"...since FTW requires nearly 24/7 activity. No matter how much you demean the n00bs, the fact of the matter is that Bushtarion is not fun when you have no fscking units! It's even less fun when you have a shitload of units, that get mauled by your antiroute, without even firing...and this commonly happens to solo n00bs...who then quit.

You need a larger player base to make bush more fun for everyone. You need casual players to increase your player base (think Ogame or AStroempires, all of which can be played casually and which have large player bases). You also need more players to make bush enjoyable to casual players (so they can attack and grow vs an abundance of targets of similar level). But you can't get more players when casual players don't have fun. Therefore, the bushtarion player base seems to atrophy as fast as it grows. And maybe that's OK.

I'm having fun, for the most part. :)


Jan 31, 2009
the only way to stop them winning is for people to stop going "OMG i lost lets moan" is to spend the rest of the round and try to become more knowledgable about the game mechanics, have more wars with other alliances to become more familiarised with the game. The ideology that people need to hold your hand and train you to be a pro just makes me want to vomit. The best get where they are by learning the game and figuring things out for themselves, it is only you who is responsible for your in-game capabilities. Not f0xx, Cyrus, Azzer or me. YOURS

What you say is not without merit. What I've highlighted in red though, is a tad overreactive. I'm not saying people need to be trained up to pro status. But almost everyone laments the small player base of Bush. And if you do not extend some sort of guidance to noobs, they won't stay. If there are more people playing, than the game can be fun even for worthless douchebags like myself who, for reasons such as real life, jobs, kids, etc, can't be your definition of "FTW"...since FTW requires nearly 24/7 activity. No matter how much you demean the n00bs, the fact of the matter is that Bushtarion is not fun when you have no fscking units! It's even less fun when you have a shitload of units, that get mauled by your antiroute, without even firing...and this commonly happens to solo n00bs...who then quit.

You need a larger player base to make bush more fun for everyone. You need casual players to increase your player base (think Ogame or AStroempires, all of which can be played casually and which have large player bases). You also need more players to make bush enjoyable to casual players (so they can attack and grow vs an abundance of targets of similar level). But you can't get more players when casual players don't have fun. Therefore, the bushtarion player base seems to atrophy as fast as it grows. And maybe that's OK.

I'm having fun, for the most part. :)

I get what you are saying but the problem is a lot people under-estimate the intricate details of the game and assume all you need to be successful is activity. This in turns leads to a lot of players assuming they are better at the game than they actually are and consider themselves elite/ftw when the reality is they are very average. I think you raised an imperitive point about the lack of casual players. People too often now assume because you have been wiped out it is game over. People are too concerned about conserving score and achieving rank, the game is too focused on winning and overly competative, the only purpose of the game is to win whereas in other games there is more emphasis on playing for fun. The casual market for this game is practically none existant unless you come to terms with the reality of frequently being killed and realising that proportionally the targets are still the same :p. Unfortunately the norm has become to preserve score in every means possible even if it means stagnating your own in-game experience.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
And forgive me, but not everyone can invest 12+ hours per day to learn the ins and outs of this game.

Then they shouldn't expect to be able to win.

AMEN! Ailihphilia last round did not have the activity to win, nor did we want to. We weren't on round the clock either. Well ok I ended up with 3rd or 4th most tick logged globally, but that was because I was the leader, and even if we were 2nd page, I was going to look after mah peeps.

So we didn't win, obviously, but we sure did have alot of fun and do well in the process.

The round and game is what you make of it *Mostly* - the actions and machinations of others in the game make up the rest of it. But how you play and your attitude is what you can control.

If the recognitions and the posts haven't shown you that there is only a small clique that gets to provide any real input, then you just don't pay enough attention.

Just play the game because you like to... screw the other people. They will only serve to drag you down in the end and possibly ruin what fun you did have.

Sir Drumalot

Jun 8, 2009
I appreciate all the frustration that the 'round is over' in only 8 days. (I saved the time. I was 8.88 days on the overview)

However I would really like to re-iterate f0xx's post because it is so important.

sns made mistakes, but two in particular stood out to me, and these guys make this mistake each round.

1) massing flak at the beginning. So much funds was wasted on small acre grabs which would take hours to repair. Keep flak levels low. I had ~7mln flak up until I started PA

2) Importance of eta 5 view. Hell that just made attacking sns easy as they had two less ticks to sort things out. And well, nothing was sorted out

It wouldnt be so frustrating if people learnt from their mistakes, but I guess they need them pointed out. We in PB saw this and sighed because we knew it would be a repeat of RRR but with much less warring.

Good points here, would have been a much better war if we were evenly tech'd (both alliance and players). Dont write it off as criticism, we really do want challenging wars, and as old school players most of us have experienced the really challenging wars with no holds barred. You all make out like we're tyrants trying to rule the game by all jumping in the same alliance, but thats not even close. We want challenges to keep the game fun too.

I personally dont think its my job to "train" each and every new player that comes along. I'll pick someone that wants to be trained, like Sordes picked me. Hard when no one wants to be trained, they just expect it to happen like magic.

Considering quite a few round over bushtarion have been won on teh friday following rounds start(7 days) i think 8.88 days is quite good :p then again that might just be me cause im used to rounds having a winner after 7 days when i played in FTW allie :s

And i think you should be happy it lasted 8.88 days :p Welshie and the Dutchies once won a round in just under 5 days lol gd times :p gettiing called at 1am saying inc loggin in to see all members of both wing Alliance(When Anap's were about) having inc on every single member lol was damn near impssible to organise where everyone went :p

Time from the start to the first war isnt impressive, and 5 days is by no means a record. We could have attacked alot earlier. Not boasting, just pointing out that you're caught up on the details that really dont say anything about skill or activity. Alot of PB was around back then as well. :)

as I see things being suggested that I've suggested before and same lines spoken last round but from different people now wearing that shoe and I have this to add:


Which shoe? Someone stole Azzers shoe? What are you talking about? If ya gonna rant, at least make it understandable.

I see in this thread a bunch of elitist old school players pissing on new players and demeaning their attempts to learn the game, and failing to be proper 'FTW'.

No wonder the player base is stuck. You have to be contactable 24/7, and you have to learn a very intricate and difficult game by getting your ass kicked over and over with little guidance. God forbid you start this game from scratch as a solo, because you will have NO clue. And forgive me, but not everyone can invest 12+ hours per day to learn the ins and outs of this game. The only solos who PWN are the ones who have played this game for several rounds or who somehow have a very intricate knowledge and understanding of the game mechanics. This is my 3rd round and I have neither.

Maybe if some of you e-penis waving hardcore, old timers focused more on training a few noob players each round (and some do) rather than recruiting all the old-school players you can find...in order to have an UBER alliance, things might be more fun. And people that try bush, might actually stay.

You people sh!t on blackwolf, but at least he recruited noobs and tried to train them.

Where were we pissing on them? Top level players have always had to be contactable 24/7 mate. You're acting like this round we've come in and changed everything on ya. The only solos that PWN are the active ones.. Knowledge makes up very little, the rest is activity.

I got an idea, you're so passionate about training people up (which is great, dont get me wrong); make an effort to do it, and stop passing the buck onto us. You dont know what we've done, we've been around a long time mate and there are alot of us that help anyone willing to listen, but as I said above not everyone wants to listen.


Head Gardener
Jan 1, 2008
@ f0xx: Only 4-5 ppl MAX in SnS played in TBA...

@ Drum: I didn't mean to say that it are always the same exact groups, but I just noticed there were only 2 alliance this round who stole and grew like hell in flakwars. I want moar decent alli's for MOAR PLEASURE :p

Big chance that this is due to the summer holidays, but I really don't see much other vets coming back in september/october tbh :p


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Don't worry SD, my stuff? It's wayyyy over your head. First and foremost, there was no rant. I'm highly amused.

As far as your demand(s) go, I believe a 'stfu' is in order. If you didn't understand, then I wasn't posting to/for you.

Move along citizen.


Dec 14, 2007
I dont think PB is that impressive. Someone go make a resistance own those old school noobs. Especially that Polo noob!


@ Drum: I didn't mean to say that it are always the same exact groups, but I just noticed there were only 2 alliance this round who stole and grew like hell in flakwars. I want moar decent alli's for MOAR PLEASURE :p

FYI. I was in BlondeAngels throughout the whole beginning of the round. My goal was to last in the top 10 till spies came out. I wouldn't have cared if you raped me to the ground after that. But no, you guys decided to attack me, so I moved, cos I wanted to kill you. You don't need to be in the top alliances to play well, see?


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
the only way to stop them winning is for people to stop going "OMG i lost lets moan" is to spend the rest of the round and try to become more knowledgable about the game mechanics, have more wars with other alliances to become more familiarised with the game. The ideology that people need to hold your hand and train you to be a pro just makes me want to vomit. The best get where they are by learning the game and figuring things out for themselves, it is only you who is responsible for your in-game capabilities. Not f0xx, Cyrus, Azzer or me. YOURS

What you say is not without merit. What I've highlighted in red though, is a tad overreactive. I'm not saying people need to be trained up to pro status. But almost everyone laments the small player base of Bush. And if you do not extend some sort of guidance to noobs, they won't stay. If there are more people playing, than the game can be fun even for worthless douchebags like myself who, for reasons such as real life, jobs, kids, etc, can't be your definition of "FTW"...since FTW requires nearly 24/7 activity. No matter how much you demean the n00bs, the fact of the matter is that Bushtarion is not fun when you have no fscking units! It's even less fun when you have a shitload of units, that get mauled by your antiroute, without even firing...and this commonly happens to solo n00bs...who then quit.

You need a larger player base to make bush more fun for everyone. You need casual players to increase your player base (think Ogame or AStroempires, all of which can be played casually and which have large player bases). You also need more players to make bush enjoyable to casual players (so they can attack and grow vs an abundance of targets of similar level). But you can't get more players when casual players don't have fun. Therefore, the bushtarion player base seems to atrophy as fast as it grows. And maybe that's OK.

I'm having fun, for the most part. :)

To be fair these veterans that are winning every round putting alot of effort in aren't actually required to give help to anybody.
We have a helper system for that, if people used it more consistantly they can really get to grips with the game.

I've played since r7, I've portalled on numerous occasions was rank 2 on my 2nd round but now I don't play actively no longer have the time or desire to play, but I still answer any questions requested on the official helper system. Use it and quit moaning to the wrong people when frankly very few of them will care about your moaning


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2007
Martin/Kuda/Polo and all their members need to break up and make their own FTW allies with some good and some newish players, i mean i know there are a lot of fluctuation in players but War? Huh?, RRR, and now PB seems to be the same general unstopable members :p

Maybe if some of you e-penis waving hardcore, old timers focused more on training a few noob players each round (and some do) rather than recruiting all the old-school players you can find...in order to have an UBER alliance, things might be more fun. And people that try bush, might actually stay.

Why should I have to play with a bunch of randoms and train them (just as an fyi, I'm not a good teacher :p)? I play this game to have fun. Having fun involves playing with my in-game mates, not some people that I don't know who could be complete tossers.

If someone catches my eye as a good player and/or they seem to be a decent guy and active enough, they will usually get a chance to prove themselves in an alliance I am in (for instance, we recruited icy after he'd played just one round as he was such a nice guy and, a couple of rounds back, we recruited Alcibiades based purely on the facts that I liked his personality on the forums and he was active enough for a decent alliance). I will not, however, recruit people that I know absolutely nothing about.


Head Gardener
Jan 1, 2008
Yeah, that Asmo is all talk, but no action :p
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Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Kinda depressing to see the rank 3,4,5,6 alliance's (NO U excluded i think) not defend 3 nights in a row to a single member attacking them, resulting in them being 0d then trained for land.

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