

Dec 14, 2007
Azzer's recent lack of grammatical correctness has caused me great pain. I gripe about this to bring attention to it. It needs to stop. If it is not corrected, I will surely quit the game. This incorrectness is horrible. The incorrectness that I speak of is on the overview page. It is the "Latest Portal/News Update:" and it has an extra period. Fix it or die.

"News/Updates: Latest "Portal" News/Update post: Mon 18th Aug, 2008.. "


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Period..

Seconded. Alliances are failing, solos are ruling the world, and panic and confusion are rife.

This extra period is the cause of all our suffering. Get rid of the period and we will go back to having 3k players and 50 alliances, guaranteed.

My thanks to vannila for bringing this important issue to public attention.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Period..

is the period a development buff for the siren unit?

perhaps evolving them into harpies? :D


Dec 14, 2007
Re: Period..

A recent addition to this long list of Azzer's grammatical and spelling mistakes has been brought to my attention by the one and only Alcibiades.

Age 5 Progress: Just want to keep everyone up to date. Age 5 progress is going well, I'm doing nothing but working on it with all my coding hours. It will not be ready in time for the end of the current round... however, it will be finished, completely done, before Christmas - which means there is not enough time for a final Age 4 round, so there won't be a normal round. Instead, there will be one "mini/fun" round on the Age 4 code, but with a few twists - including 5 minute ticks, and some other random rules (similar to those you might find in a private world). It won't count towards portal ranks or awards, but it will "happen" on world 1 as usual. It'll be roughly 6 weeks long, and at some stage there will be a "semi-public" test of Age 5 during it (on a seperate database, so it won't interfere) of one or two weeks long so that Age 5 can be tested fully before a public and official launch. At/just after Christmas, new advertising campaigns will kick in to place in various places and I'll be focusing my efforts on bringing new players in to the game again at long last. Any ideas, concerns, or constructive comments etc. welcome, but try to put them on the forums, I can't always reply to the many mails I get to my in-game ID (sorry!).

Again, if this is not fixed as soon as possible, I will most likely quit the game. You will lose my half hour a day activity. You will hear from me no more. I will no longer mindlessly refresh. Good day sir.