• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

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My 3rd Fantasy route


Jun 28, 2009
Hi. I'm bored and can't get enough of your flames for my ideas. So here's another

Development - Castles and Moats
Cost: £2,545,000,000
Time: 49 ticks
Gives unit: Moat

Moat - £25,000
NLT [disables] (close)
ALL, 165 init

This unit gives them a means to stop flak, as well as provide some protection from units that target ALL as it is quite durable.

Development - Wizardry
Cost: £25,000,000,000
Time: 61 ticks
Gives unit: Curser

Curser - £51,000
LET [stuns] (all)
LET/ALL, 305 init (fires between siren and assassin)

This is the basic ranged protector. I made it stun because it's mainly an armor stripper anyhow. It's made to be quite fragile, but if well protected, it should be an invaluable asset to your army. It doesn't kill because its stats are too good for that, especially so early in the game.

Development - Shining Armor
Cost: £55,000,000,000
Time: 120 ticks
Gives unit: Knight

Knight - £33,000
LET [kills] (m/c)
LET/INN/ALL, 455 init (fires just after yob)

This is supposed to be the main body of your army, and it's made to protect your other units at range and deal decent damage at close tick.

Development - Archery Range
Cost - £40,000,000,000 (Requires Engineering. Would go off to the side on tech tree)
Time - 146 ticks
Gives unit: Longbow Archer

Longbow Archer - £41,000
LET [kills] (r/m)
ALL, 575 init

This is designed to take out flak and other armor stripped units from a range. Can take a small hit, but nothing major. Needs support or it'll die.

Development - Creature Breeding
Time - 200 ticks
Gives unit: Ogre

Ogre - £95,000
LET [kills] (m/c)
INN/ALL, 795 init


Punit Development - Slaver Training
Time - 300 ticks
Enables unit: Slaver

Slaver - £100,000
LET [converts] (all)
ALL, 715 init

Converts to: Slave at around a 20% rate

Slave - £35,000
LET [kills] (close)
LET/ALL 295 init

So yeah. Flame away.
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Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
seems serious underpowered.. You essentially have 2 killing units, and both die easily. You would get wiped out much too quickly.. I would amp up the Archer and Knights a bit, a lot if your keeping their high Initiative.


Jun 28, 2009
seems serious underpowered.. You essentially have 2 killing units, and both die easily. You would get wiped out much too quickly.. I would amp up the Archer and Knights a bit, a lot if your keeping their high Initiative.

buffed it up quite a bit. Made stuff less fragile and more deadly. Ogres are now LET.


Garden Designer
Dec 16, 2007
If cursers are meant to strip armour, they should stun as (iirc) stunning doesn't strip (I may be wrong on this, though).

Other than that, I'd say make archers and knights fire earlier. They're too flimsy to be that slow (imo).


Landscape Designer
Dec 17, 2008
that's a fairly shitty punit and the route as a whole is really underpowered. Curser should just kill


Jun 28, 2009
Made a few edits. This route is meant to give strength in numbers, note how cheap the knights are. Redid slaves and made slavers fire all ticks now.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
a curser in theory could be made not to restore the armour...like riot police, as apose to like sirens, fyi. but this would have to be the case to make the unit any use.. the main problem is cost to strength kights look good. and firing after CW means they arent too overpowered but still pretty beasty or so i thought then i saw they only fire close!. would die to rpgs tls sa/ass.
but your stunners and longbow men are far to weak. as you only range tick firing units

and the differnce in price means that you could not flak them well enough even massing knigths you still wont have them in high enough ratios. cost for cost for the unit suvive. you would probably kill them even if only 1/5 of an incoming mob fires at them (due to set up ratios) having them in smaller ratios means one of your potentially most useful and essential units the armour stripper will not strip enough armour. id suggets buffing thier health. and or dropping the knight price a bit more 28k or something. its strong but ultimately useless until last tick. though maybe when combined with slaves it would make it a bit to hard to kill. who knows


Jun 28, 2009
a curser in theory could be made not to restore the armour...like riot police, as apose to like sirens, fyi. but this would have to be the case to make the unit any use.. the main problem is cost to strength kights look good. and firing after CW means they arent too overpowered but still pretty beasty or so i thought then i saw they only fire close!. would die to rpgs tls sa/ass.
but your stunners and longbow men are far to weak. as you only range tick firing units

and the differnce in price means that you could not flak them well enough even massing knigths you still wont have them in high enough ratios. cost for cost for the unit suvive. you would probably kill them even if only 1/5 of an incoming mob fires at them (due to set up ratios) having them in smaller ratios means one of your potentially most useful and essential units the armour stripper will not strip enough armour. id suggets buffing thier health. and or dropping the knight price a bit more 28k or something. its strong but ultimately useless until last tick. though maybe when combined with slaves it would make it a bit to hard to kill. who knows

tbh i kinda threw this together in like 30 minutes. I didn't really have the heart to do anything like I did with my mil branch which azzer told me himself he won't be putting in. Really this can be closed now since it's of no difference :p

P.S. a few more edits
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