• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

"Bushtarion - Free online multiplayer game - Getting Started"


Head Gardener
Dec 16, 2007
Saw this...

~~ $5000 Mob Wars Video Trailer Contest!

~~ Create a mob wars themed video which will be used to promote mob wars on Youtube! Final submission date: June 30th, 2009. Video should be 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length. High production value expected.

I did a YouTube search for Bushtarion. This bought up one result which is a pretty poor attempt at a few screen shots. There is one person who has commented...

"lol how do u play i have acount just dont no how to fight please help "

It goes to show that maybe there is an opportunity for some free publicity, but this could also be incorporated into the help manual to suggest new players check the video out on how to get started.

I'm pretty sure this would enable quite a fair few people to give it a proper shot rather than just give because they dont really know what theyre doing. Also for the more people that look at it, the more hit's it would receive, and possibly gain more attention. Let's face it, right now if someone goes to YouTube and searches "online game", Bushtarion is never going to be shown.

I'm not suggesting people start randomly putting crappy videos up, but I think something more official/professional might be worth the effort.