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Bunker Busters


Head Gardener
Dec 15, 2007
I think they should be improved, and at the very least made to fire all instead of r/c. For their cost they're too specialist and crappy imo, and there aren't enough bunkers or sorcs to warrant the price tag and the disadvantage of them not even firing middle.

I think they should either be replaced or made to fire all.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Agreed, i think they definately need a boost...they should remain specialist but actually worth having SOMETIMES. At the moment there is almost no point in having them at all.

Aheads suggestions for improvement seem reasonable as well considering.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
You can't boost damage while leaving all the bonuses. You probably want a more normal lethal not so specialized and i can't say i disagree, but not to buff damage alone and have both a decent overall lethal and highly deadly vs bunkers.


Official Helper
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
boost damage versus bunker.

and lets be honest, for there price and they fire after bunker n sentry they suck


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
remove bunker busters as there is not really a good reason to fit them in the mystic route. (again a separate plug for the removal of all things fantasy route from the game)

move a slightly reduced damage bonus to bunker/sentries (and I'd argue just up the armour damage done to sentries) to the rpg unit. up the relevance of rpgs! (i love those little guys)


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Actually, i think i prefer Garretts idea.

BUT if we're talking about Bunker Busters i would say boost their damage against bunkers/sentries directly (with an increased bonus) but up their stats slightly so they can be used to some degree against other routes/units.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
If they're to fire after bunkers/sentries, can we at least put them at the end of a BR, so that everything inbetween has time to kill the ninjas? At least then they'd do something.


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
OMG, the bunker route doesnt need more weakness!

Ive been zeroed numerous times as a bunker (round 28)

Improve your tactics!

Warning: If you are offended by the word 'suck' do not read any further

And they suck attacking!

How many bunkers in top 100




Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
i can testify to their underusedness based on the best ratio's page.
no one has even submitted a br where they have attacked bunkers/sentries
then again no one has submitted a fanatic/extremist ratio since i did when i played them last. since then they have had 2 boosts and shud get better ratios. anyway off topic,

Boost em. fire all ticks. maybe even fire at init 250 after the pa's sa's and vamps. As they shoot after the bunker sentrys alone. and u dont get many allied bunkers and sentry players so it will make no difference to the br just mean if you team up the bunker can be more easily killed. and i suggest a lower cost not change in stats. Then they at least have some flacking potential within your army as well as being more reasonable against the unit they are meant to kill.

edit: timtadams. get a good bunker/sentry ratio. use like 3(minimum)-5 ninjas to each bunker and each sentry turret. get lots of sleepers. a few spikes not too many. more sentrys than bunkers and a ton of yobs then a few mill cloners to catch any stragglers your yobs miss. you will not get easily flacked. (dont get too many more sentrys than bunkers as the tractors are gits, and there is no such thing as too much armour damage). point being you wont die to rpg's, or to a striker. no assassins going to have a crack as the assassins unit isnt amazingly good at armour damage so even after sa kills your ninjas the assassins alone wont do enough damage. you have no threats. all they can do is try and flack you. and the bunker buster unit is one of the weakest lethals the person has in that branch. so will be one of the first to die.

if anything it should go on the other branch of the fantasy route and fire after vamps at least you can farm some lesser vamps and zombies to flack them and they could be made to fire after the vamps kill a few ninjas. (but then ofc no one will pick bunkerbuster over gargs)
Last edited:


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
what about F-117s? I know they will be taken pretty easily by bunkers, but they could potentially do a lot of damage since they fire first...

And yes, flakking works ;)
well in fact with small droids, as many of you would know :p


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
BUT if we're talking about Bunker Busters i would say boost their damage against bunkers/sentries directly (with an increased bonus) but up their stats slightly so they can be used to some degree against other routes/units.

Seriously .. let's give officers a huge bonus vs petrols and also make them an all rounder lethal upping their stats.
A unit can't be highly specialised AND decent against average lethals. Think about emp's .. make them decent against any armor by upping their damage 3 times and leave their bonus vs PA or even increase it further .. you think that's right ?

Nobody bothers with bunker busters even now when they have the huge bonus because the investment it's not worth it for the couple of solo bunker players. The only purpose of the unit is at end of round when you plant your seeds and want to show off with some large army you can mass bunker busters and attack a high ranked bunker and claim big penis and amazing skills because the bunker guy can't do anything but watch. I think the unit is worthless and unfair and would be better substituted by another unit to complement the route where it's in.


Official Helper
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
exactly DS, thats why i said up they're damage to bunker / sentries. besides they fire after bunker n sentry, probably decrease their price too, i dont want them a unit that can be used again other route, if need to be a valid way of pwning bunker players


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
you know what i think

I think that the only reason Azzer introduced this bunker buster unit was to shut up all those people who where complaining about the 'invincibility' of bunkers.

And that the reason this unit is not so great is because the bunker route is not supposed to have a blazing weakness.
This is because bunkers suck attacking
Bunkers suck attacking <---- remember this? its on the line above and in my previous post

Now remember how Willy said that the only thing a player can do to get land of a well set up bunker is to flak them?
Willy said:
all they can do is try and flack you.

And do you know how bunkers get land? You guessed it, flakking.

So, the only way you can get land off a well set up bunker is to flak it.
and the only way a bunker can get land is to flak other players

When flakking, only the attacker recieves damage, comprende?

Yet now we all want to make it possible to hurt a bunker when a bunker cannot possibly hurt anyone else, to me this makes no sense and seems unfair.

And dont try to say you cannot flak a bunker. And unless the bunker has the perfect set up it is still possible to zero them with the right units. Yet a bunker cannot zero anyone at all.


Head Gardener
Sep 30, 2008
well, it seems to me as though the bunker buster is being outcompeted by the iron golems, becuase the BBs are so shoddy, why dont we decease the iron golems stats so that it is on par with BBs, so then they a have a fair choice of smeg units.

on a more serious note, what if we increase the armor of iron golems (they are iron after all and i think they are a pathetic and expensive lethal flac unit) making them more like jeeps (strong armor/smeg attack) maybe cheaper. and then increase the attacking stats of the BBs against non-bunker/sentry units, put their initiative liitle bit before sirens (no reason). Then the player gets to choose between a good lethal flac unit (useful if not using dragons) and another attacking unit that can do sum damage