• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

3.Fantasy Route: Mythos


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Well I decided to just throw my idea into the fray.

Fantasy + Aliens = Cthulhu Mythos. (And yeah Cthulhu & co is public domain, old, classic litterature and all that.)

The basic idea would be a route with some fast and cheap stunners (insanity causing alien lifeforms like Mi-Go and Byakhee) cheap and weak LETs (cultist and servitor races like Hunting Horrors, Deep Ones and Shoggots) and huge, extremly costly and insanely powerful LETs which bribes and converts (Ye Horrible Great Old Ones and Outer Gods)

I wont try to set up stats, but I think a set up where the route is stronger and stronger the closer you get. (i.e. the more powerful units first fire at mid-tick, and the most powerful only on close)

Secondly, some of the units would wax and wane in strength: From a -50% to a +200% bonus, depending on season and (game)month. When the stars are right... etc. :)

I think it would make for a interesting route, and not seem like a duplicate of any of the existing routes.


Jun 14, 2009
Interesting. Obviously the stunners cant stun for the bribers at all else we run the risk of super OP.

But, as a lovecraft fan myself, I really like this idea, something that gains/loses strength based on the season/time of year.
It would also fit into the fantasy family in this aspect too.

Can the p-unit be Z҉A҉L҉G҉O̚̕̚ ?

I don't know how versatile the code is for stuff like this but it would be good if there was a unit that gains temporary control over units on the first tick and have them fight their own allies on the middle and return to normal on the close tick.

[Range] 500,000 harbingers whisper into the minds of 300,000 hostile staff

[Middle] 300,000 allied Secret Agents shriek in madness and murder 8,000,000 hostile staff

These harbingers are the forerunners for the enroaching madness.

as I said, i don't know if this would be possible with the code, but temporary madness/bribes would be fun to play with and add a chaotic unpredictability to an otherwise straightforward outcome.

Early flak converter devved after serf?

Dark whisperer
Class: Let
Targets: INN
Stats: */*/**/*
Attack type: Converts[Close]
ETA: 2
Init 500s

These would sweep flak and convert them into:

Dark Acolyte
Class: NLT or LET
Targets: NLD/ALL
Stats: **/*/*/**
Attack type:Disables [Close] OR Converts[Close]
ETA: 2
Init: 110 (Before hippies)

These acolytes would be the unquestioning followers, converted from unsespecting civillians, who have been swayed by the dark whispers. These would either be cheap NLT, allowing more to be converted in large numbers by the whisperers, or could themselves convert other units into Acolytes, to show them converting others into their beliefs.

Sorry if i'm taking your idea and running with it, I just get abit caught up in the idea when I 'm thinking new stuff up :p :p
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Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Well, I was thinking more along line of the stunners firing range / mid tick while the briber/convertes mainly firing close tick.. so the pain of just a brush with the madness would not be any lasting pain, but pressing you luck would mean a A(zathoth)-bomb going of in you face...

and the P-Unit would have to be "Avatars of Nyarlathoteps" or something similarly vile and powerfull. Something like a Cyber-T-Rex with massive health and medium armour that kills and bribes quite fast init. wise. maybe.