Complete Removal of AR

Complete Removal of AR

  • positive impact on the game... farewell AR

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Re: Complete Removal of AR

mrmongo said:
there are a lot less people playing this round due to no solo's maybe they will be back next round... if ar and solo play isnt back then i wont be.... maybe that is a good thing tho
It's already been stated officially and publically, on this very thread by me in fact, that AR is not disappearing for Age 5, it's simply gone for this final round, so worry not.


Feb 3, 2008
Re: Complete Removal of AR

spooky said:
I think its stupid how people are already shouting about how a 'stupid idea' AR has being removed is for this round. Its a game guys, you need to experiment to see if someting diffrent helps the game. I think pure sole being removed is a marvelous idea but thats a different topic anyway.
Last round was my first round in bush but its not my first in a game like this, was playing a similar type game for over 7 years but thats a different story. As i said last round was my first round and i found it way to easy to do well being pure solo with the huge help AR gave me. I would build up a massive army (well what i thought was massive :p) and cream people easily, and when i got creamed all i had to do was wait a week behind AR to rebuild, it was silly. I dont beleive AR should be removed completey the in future but should definately be toned down abit. For example make your AR rate lower a hell of alot quicker and perhaps raising the level in which SAS is triggered. I can understand the fact that many players are solo, hell il be solo again and again purely because i dont have time to stay up all night anymore, been there done that gave the phone numbers out round after round, and i dont want to let an allaince down with inactivty. BUT being solo is our choice so we shoudlnt be 'rewarded' with better things like a better AR when theres the option of going in an alliance with 15 - 20 guys/gals there to help back you up.
I can see why some people are annoyed because yes this round will be hard for solos as many more people will be in allainces so targets will be harder but hey it makes it more fun trying to get past an allaince plus it makes you a better player as you learn wot army setup to use for the best effect. It wil be good as hopefully itll boost the allaince numbers which means more people will get to learn and well have more stronger players which will keep the game going.
Perhaps raising the attack range to around 60% so that lower allainces wont feel threatned so much from higher guys but perhaps increase the wounded rate so that yes people might loose more troops due to the 60% attack range but wont loose out so much due to higher wounded return. However if we do get more allaince thus more players being taught more, players should be able to build up a better army setup and not have to attack people alot lower and attack people say 60 - 80% of thier score. Lets face it, battles are always much more fun when there very close. hell amount of times i should have run last round but rather have a good battle and spent all my resrouces on troops to try and defend against sum killer player, obiously i lost most of the time but it was more fun trying to defend and it taught me more about what units to use than just runnig and defending 'police hq'.
So bascially what im trying to say is i like idea of it being removed this round to see how it works but in the long term i think it needs to be around but no way as powerful as i has been.

however these are my just my thoughts and like i said this is only my second round so if it sounds alot of rubbish to you and you think im a moron then just kill me in the game XD:p

* wall of text crits you for 237523426 damage
* you die!

Paragraphs, use them


Jun 6, 2008
Re: Complete Removal of AR

I personally thought last round that my AR went down abit too quickly. I only remember 2 attacks i got government on, and got "zeroed" atleast 4-5 times that round in the last month (Thanks Mitch :) ) I like the fact of no AR for this mini round as i am trying out alliance play again, but for the last 2 rounds i've played about 3/4 allied, then gone solo for the last 1/4 of the round through sheer annoyance of being constantly screwed over. I also agree with all the people talking about the amount of time needed to be in a good alliance, because i for one cannot keep up with the amount of time demanded, and the contactability. Bush has become way too serious with people doing all nighters and having to get up to deal with incomings it's really really demanding on people trying to play for fun not for the winning *Punches Ogluk*
I think maybe you should only get injuries to say 25% of your INN and maybe 50% of your LET's to avoid the "absolute" zeroing but then as Azzer said, people get annoyed with not being able to completely zero opponents. How about splitting the worlds into 2 (Say World 1 and World 2) with world 1 being all the serious absolute zeroing people(No AR or injuries), and world 2 with the laid back, not so heavy on players (Which has injuries and AR) so people can play either for fun, or for domination.
Or, just split World 1 (Which maybe harder, but i don't know) with instead of the Solo option, the option to be able to Zero others (Whilst being able to be zeroed yourself) or the Injuries option, (Can't zero others, can't be zeroed) but i don't know how this would work out, because like 10 allied players going into the "All out zeroing" half of world 1 with no opposition, would obviously suck.


Feb 3, 2008
Re: Complete Removal of AR

Jubjub said:
I personally thought last round that my AR went down abit too quickly. I only remember 2 attacks i got government on, and got "zeroed" atleast 4-5 times that round in the last month (Thanks Mitch :) ) I like the fact of no AR for this mini round as i am trying out alliance play again, but for the last 2 rounds i've played about 3/4 allied, then gone solo for the last 1/4 of the round through sheer annoyance of being constantly screwed over. I also agree with all the people talking about the amount of time needed to be in a good alliance, because i for one cannot keep up with the amount of time demanded, and the contactability. Bush has become way too serious with people doing all nighters and having to get up to deal with incomings it's really really demanding on people trying to play for fun not for the winning *Punches Ogluk*
I think maybe you should only get injuries to say 25% of your INN and maybe 50% of your LET's to avoid the "absolute" zeroing but then as Azzer said, people get annoyed with not being able to completely zero opponents. How about splitting the worlds into 2 (Say World 1 and World 2) with world 1 being all the serious absolute zeroing people(No AR or injuries), and world 2 with the laid back, not so heavy on players (Which has injuries and AR) so people can play either for fun, or for domination.
Or, just split World 1 (Which maybe harder, but i don't know) with instead of the Solo option, the option to be able to Zero others (Whilst being able to be zeroed yourself) or the Injuries option, (Can't zero others, can't be zeroed) but i don't know how this would work out, because like 10 allied players going into the "All out zeroing" half of world 1 with no opposition, would obviously suck.

amagaawd you're doing it on purpose now!! :?


Jul 12, 2008
Re: Complete Removal of AR

Kuda said:

how about one of the features of declaring an official alliance war ingame gives the ability to zero completely?

if the allies aren't officially at war, then injury functions as normal. Might encourage alliances to actually use the declare war function aswell as keeping people happy that they can zero again

A) get rid of injury
B) bring back insurance
C) bring back A-NAPS (so you can have wings)


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Complete Removal of AR

Fredd said:
A) get rid of injury
B) bring back insurance
C) bring back A-NAPS (so you can have wings)

A: Agreed
B: Agreed, make it high enough for P-solos, and they wont need Ar. :p
C: No F**king way, just keep allies the size they are now, and then it will be no need for wings.

If someone will risk sharing their IDs with a S-NAP, feel free, but expect to get burned!


Dec 15, 2007
Re: Complete Removal of AR

bah this round sucks... stupid sucky halff empty alliances, no choice but be allied or defencless and dead... only positive is that ill get an award for developing a p-unit i didnt pay for... roll on next round.. :( p-solo ftw