• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

Deposit Box (Ranking)


Dec 15, 2007
Hello all,

This is more of a gripe, then a suggestion, but i would like to know what others think about it!

You know when you save your funds for a development and you spend your money and your score drops like a good 100 or 200 million depending on what you were saving for? Well i think this should be taken out of the game at the first week of round start...

Hear me out OK.

Just say i was based around 600 mill score in Valuation but 200 mill of my score is due to funds in which i am going to spend on a development when i have enough funds. My question is this, Should we not have some sort of system in place at the start of the round where money you put into your "development account" does not count as score?

I'm sick and tired of saving my funds and being such a high score just to loose it when i spend it on a development then go down 50+ ranks and then have targets in which i should of had with out my savings.

My Suggestion is this, Make a deposit box for every player in which we can deposit funds for our developments which won't count as score but 100% non refundable but the deposit box disappears once you get past your 3rd unit in your tech tree so higher score payers can't deposit money to loose score.

I think this will not only give people a fair "army/land" based score to fight over people with "army/land" scores . I think this is a more fair system then the current one.


rank 35 has 900 million score and he has 400 million on land and 500 on troops... he attacks me and i have

600 million score.. 250 million is land and 100 million is my army with 150 million in funds for my next development. He will walk all over me if i did not have a good alliance. very good alliance i might add...

If you take out the 150 million score for my funds... he would not be able to reach me would he? but those who would reach me would have more of a battle on their hands as it be their true score vs mine.

It's just an idea and with every idea there is going to be people who think that is quiet good or that is just the worse idea ever. What ever your opinion it is all welcome.



Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

are you suggesting this cos you are that worried about score early on and dont want your score to drop?

or are you saying that its unfair as your targets change even tho your army doesnt???


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

I believe he is complaining about the fact that when hes is saving up for a development his funds put him in range of people who can easily pawn him.
He has plenty of funds but jack all army, compared to those in his range.

He doesnt care about losing rank, he'd rather it stay low


Dec 15, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

timtadams said:
I believe he is complaining about the fact that when hes is saving up for a development his funds put him in range of people who can easily pawn him.
He has plenty of funds but jack all army, compared to those in his range.

He doesnt care about losing rank, he'd rather it stay low

I am suggesting it as i feel it would bring a balance to the game early on!

No i am not afraid of being pawn? catch me offline to do so?
Its a game and i feel being in this game since age one i am allowed to suggest an idea without opinions suggesting i am scared or afraid of things.

I suggested this as i feel it would bring a balance to the game and fairness more then anything, not for me but for the game.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

dont be defensive, i just dont understand your reasoning exactly?

Also, from your example timtadams was right, you are saying that it is unfair that your score from developments boosts you into range of people with a far stronger army than you...

so you are suggesting that you can "desposit" X amount in a dev fund that you can then ONLY use for developments...if it was to happen it would obviously have to work that once you deposit this fundage you cant get it back out again...

personally i dont like the suggestion and i think the game works well/fair the way it is...but now i understand what your suggesting


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Cheshire, England
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

Interesting point, although I've always seen/used the situation in a positive light.

Eg: Everytime I start my next development, the following tick I check to see what new targets are available and use it to my advantage before my score re-increases.

Whether that's a good thing or not? No idea...


Dec 15, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

Yes i agree it brings me in range of the higher ranks on score and i gave an example on how the game would change if we was allowed to deposit funds into an account which is non-refundable.

I think this will stop higher ranked people with an army which coud rape someone who is trying to save money and progress in the game but can't do so because every time he saves his funds he grows in score and comes in reach of higher people who would destroy him. So he has to keep spending his funds to rebuild and it just slows the person down.


Dec 15, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

Steve_God said:
Interesting point, although I've always seen/used the situation in a positive light.

Eg: Everytime I start my next development, the following tick I check to see what new targets are available and use it to my advantage before my score re-increases.

Whether that's a good thing or not? No idea...

I do the same... but if this idea was in play then we would never have to look forward to loosing fake score?
would we?

Just thinking of those new to the game and helping them getting started and keep growing.


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

I guess since it works both ways, it isn't necessary to change it. While saving up you become a better target, but then when youre not and someone else is, they are a better target for you...
...The Circle of Life

And those new to the game do fine as it is, I did fine when i was new...and anyway, it isnt that hard to get the techs, granted it might take a little longer, but if your a noob, dont expect to be able to pawn the game as soon as you start [and im not calling you a noob Young ;) ]


Dec 15, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

timtadams said:
I guess since it works both ways, it isn't necessary to change it. While saving up you become a better target, but then when youre not and someone else is, they are a better target for you...
...The Circle of Life

And those new to the game do fine as it is, I did fine when i was new...and anyway, it isnt that hard to get the techs, granted it might take a little longer, but if your a noob, dont expect to be able to pawn the game as soon as you start [and im not calling you a noob Young ;) ]

Yeah... And that is why the game is doing so well right? because new players are staying in the game?
Yes i am new to the game, thank you for the nice welcome. Guessing you are in the group of players which make people leave then yeah?

Back on topic, It could be in a circle no matter what changes happen to the game... the reason the game is doing so bad now is because the current circle is not working. I just tried to add a suggestion in which would make the game more fair in my pint of view.

Just think about it, It would let you save for developments without adding a score to your val and being nice score fat target with no troops and land. this would keep you on a fair score and defend yourself and not have to keep spending the money you want to save on troops or land.


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

Well, sorry if I upset you Young, it was certainly not my intention, let me start again

Welcome to Bushtarion my good friend, and may you have an enjoyable experience, and meet many people along the way!

btw, please dont get offended if someone doesnt agree with you, people disagree with me all the time, but i try to respect their opinions. The problem with text communication is that people cannot express their tone very well, so people sometimes make the assumption that a person is making a mockery of them, whereas they just have different ideas and are expressing them. Its good to learn to listen to other peoples advice.

Anyway, I dont think your idea is a bad idea, i just dont think its necessary.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

Youngcheese said:
Just think about it, It would let you save for developments without adding a score to your val and being nice score fat target with no troops and land. this would keep you on a fair score and defend yourself and not have to keep spending the money you want to save on troops or land.

I think this is a good thing, it means there is an "oportunity cost" almost on techs...basically if you want to save for techs and get attacked, you have the option of spending some of your savings and saving your land...thus meaning you have to wait and save that money up again or take a land hit and maybe save a bit slower but then you also have the option of going out and stealing the land back

I think this is a good element of the game...also if the score you are gaining from funds is putting you in range of the "big boys" then you again have 2 options, you either need to stay a reletively bad target (or bad in comparison to those around you) by not getting so fat or having a better troops setup or you need to find yourself a good alliance...

I definately dont like this suggestion now. Just my opinion, but stop making the game easier/more basic.


Dec 15, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

Thanks for the opinions.

Tim, i am not new, been around since round 7.
Pinpower fair point. suppose having the option there is always a good thing.

Whole point of the idea was to make it more basic.. but i that not what half the playerbase want?



Dec 15, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

I can sort of understand Dan's point - although I don't agree with it :p I'm not sure it makes the game simpler either.

Think of it this way - that big bad brute of a guy who is going to own you, while your score is high due to your savings, is going to be stashing away even bigger chunks into his own 'Deposit Box' - much more in fact because he is likely saving for more expensive developments - so in reality nothing changes (or it even gets worse) - just that both the big brute and the small innocent will be relatively smaller. And as Albert said 'all things are relative' :)

I've just re-read Dan's original post and I had missed the 'after 3rd tech' bit - which sort of blows my argument out of the window ;)

20 rounds and still a noob ;)


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

It was suggested before and shut down mainly because when a suggestion of this kind appears on forums the average player will apply the change in his mind to those big bad attackers highers than him, and if the suggestion favours them then it must be flamed :p Rarely it gets to the point of asking how it would favour you over others if step 1 fails. That beeing said the suggestion will also help the small players to get out of range of the bigger ones while developing. It's not much fun to start a bit slow and while you have low troops low acres your score is so big you get attacked constantly.
I wouldn't agree with a bank outside of helping for developements but i suggested before to be able to start a developement first even if you have no cash and in following ticks you can add money in that research 'bank account' and for every tick the bank will take the money required and get you 1 tick closer to research completion. I hope my english makes sense :p If it's too complicated you could start the research first and it won't start researching until you have deposited in your bank all the money needed to develop. Ofc until you have the entire amount in the bank account the partial deposits will give no/little valuation.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
essex, england
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

just dont plant until u have the necessary funds? i havent read all replies yet so sorry if its all ready been said.
i know seeds increase your score but nowhere near as much as when there planted.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

agree with pin 100% not needed imo, rooney you are right but saving seeds has become more dangerous as seed thieves chemical sprayers and arsonists have become more potent, plus seeds still give value even if it is less than funds


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Deposit Box (Ranking)

Not sure if this has been mentioned before as i just scanned but ...

You are 500m score.
Guy above is 1b score.

You want out of range as 110b is funds.

You put 110b funds in box.
Guy above you has an even more expensive development he is saving for.
He does the same.

Back to square 1?
Or am i missing something?