Alliance of the Round : ?
Best Offensive Alliance : None. Fairly poor attacks in both real alliances.
Best Defensive Alliance : WTF IS FTW.
Honourable Mention Alliance : Leftovers. Putting up with those 5***8211;10 over a tick or two is difficult.
Worst Alliance : TTT. Seems fairly obvious theres some mass cheating going on there.
Best Leader : ?
Worst Leader : Whoever leads TTT.
Player of the Round - Allied : Jesse.
Player of the Round - Solo : Boogie or Cyro.
Best Offensive Player : Boogie or Leeroy.
Best Defensive Players : Jesse, Cyro and Boogie.
Honourable Mention Player : edd had a good round and he***8217;d probably have been ever better in our solo group!
Worst Player : Anyone involved in mutual land farming.
Best Moment of Round : Few good BRs this round were probably the best moments.
Worst Moment of Round : Mr_Blonde being able to figure out I was solo rank 1 and steal from me after 6 or so hours. 1 of 2 land losses all round!
I was away at the end so never posted.
Best offensive players - Leeroy and boogie
Best defensive - nightcover for r1 and dean plus younge, boogie and his solo group for many messages about my impending doom.
Best solos - twigs' group, i'm sure you'd have had a better round with me in your solo group too?

honourable mentions - LO players for giving r1 a good run at the start, warrior for stealing good lands eventually, maickesh for playing SO and having over 100m nanos, maick and my first nap for a great start together (sorry it didn't work out), dellie and ffx were great too. Caz and lanky, for keeping younge alive for ages.
Best moment - I moved house at the start of the round and my attacks were sporadic but at all hours as i kept waking up on the hard floor - but that got me to r1 for a few days. While at the top i thought that each alliance thought i must be in the other one and that was why i didn't get inc, turns out i think they both knew i was solo ;/ Also Cazception was a great moment <3 caz/jon/younge. It's high praise to be called professor oak.
Worst moment - probably wishing warrior didn't go cg, i had loads of funds to pwn jesse with but could never buy up because i feared warrior coming for me and then i ended up buying 600b worth of blockers on about day 15 :'(
gl next (this) round.