may as well post it... biggest one this round by far
all 20 multi accounts on the 1 tick
Battle Report - Defending Angela before coffee.. RAWR [3522]
[close] 250,000,002 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 212,080,579 hostile staff.
[close] 99,088,108 hostile Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 89,852,780 allied staff.
[close] 10,000,060 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 9,797,031 hostile staff.
[close] 7,565,616 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 1,429,343 allied staff.
[close] 952,434 allied Serf attacked, killing 242,089 hostile staff.
[close] 358 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 775 hostile staff.
[close] 89,749,994 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 235,363,437 allied staff.
[close] 61,612,277 allied Scrap Bot attacked, killing 164,653,506 hostile staff.
[raised] The scrap bots quickly went through the remains, constructing 237,310 Gargantua.
[close] 52,541 allied Armoured Car attacked, killing 6,583 hostile staff.
[close] 31,704,459 hostile Striker attacked, killing 12,626,268 allied staff.
[close] 14,391,652 hostile Biker attacked, killing 12,619,848 allied staff.
[close] 37,084,848 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 22,233,985 allied staff.
[close] 529,526,181 allied Attack Dog attacked, killing 1,230,632,982 hostile staff.
[close] 784,649,676 hostile Attack Dog attacked, killing 333,647,130 allied staff.
[close] 201,860,388 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 754,817,670 hostile staff.
[close] 139,604,429 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 146,058,698 allied staff.
[close] 2,886,481 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 1,825,136 allied staff.
[close] 218,392,840 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 648,216,369 hostile staff.
[close] 21,544,833 hostile Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 6,750,521 allied staff.
[close] 2,406,331 allied Witch attacked, killing 2,742,613 hostile staff.
[close] 17,160,089 hostile Witch attacked, killing 14,489,323 allied staff.
[close] 270,727,335 allied Harrier attacked, killing 314,992,596 hostile staff.
[close] 61,786,758 hostile Harrier attacked, killing 83,484,532 allied staff.
[close] 96,709,070 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 54,063,510 hostile staff.
[close] 12,856,322 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 8,679,814 allied staff.
[close] 252,202,916 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 153,019,137 hostile staff.
[close] 109,520,287 hostile Iron Golem attacked, killing 50,415,704 allied staff.
[close] 142 allied Nutter attacked, disabling 26 hostile staff.
[close] 11,995,354 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 13,784,504 allied staff.
[close] 8,552,680 allied Yob attacked, disabling 2,640,083 hostile staff.
[close] 37 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 13 allied staff.
[close] 19,825,138 hostile Dragon breathed fire on and melted 41,915,406 allied staff.
[close] 46,517,504 hostile Ranger attacked, killing 40,357,159 allied staff.
[close] 279,739 hostile Flamethrower attacked, killing 197,145 allied staff.
[close] 25,697,347 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 24,386,311 allied staff.
[close] 205,589 allied White Wizard zapped 70,171 hostile staff.
[close] 61,545,139 allied Marine attacked, killing 61,316,573 hostile staff.
[close] 54,798,532 hostile Marine attacked, killing 46,606,664 allied staff.
[close] 8,775,075 allied HQ Attack Dog attacked, killing 10,875,756 hostile staff.
[close] 2,279,190 allied HQ Humvee attacked, killing 2,392,854 hostile staff.
[close] 33,295,380 allied Humvee attacked, killing 6,325,037 hostile staff.
[close] 28,522,045 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 3,790,774 allied staff.
[close] 536,356 allied White Knight attacked, slaying 1,117,280 hostile staff.
[close] 51,408,095 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 186,256,929 hostile staff.
[close] 25,094,745 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 36,965,955 allied staff.
[close] 38,836 hostile Heavy Weapons attacked, killing 15,677 allied staff.
[close] 3,887,291 allied HQ Private attacked, killing 1,691,168 hostile staff.
[close] 90 hostile Private attacked, killing 20 allied staff.
[close] 906,144 allied HQ Officer attacked, killing 621,601 hostile staff.
[close] 724,255 allied Apprentice attacked, killing 252,654 hostile staff.
[close] 36 hostile Cloner attacked, bribing 35 allied staff.
[close] 745,246 allied HQ Challenger 2 attacked, killing 8,792,367 hostile staff.
Distracted: 712,076,910 [£3,410,966,176,100] enemies distracted. 252,223,128 [£3,024,510,582,000] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 2,640,884 [£138,595,250,300] enemies disabled.
Died: 3,112,900,145 [£36,911,408,812,100] enemies dead. 975,273,019 [£21,796,502,923,500] friendlies dead.
Bribed: 35 [£1,224,000] friendlies bribed.
Converted: 237,310 [£237,310,000,000] enemies converted.
You gained 9,223,487 effectiveness.
You gained 8.57 fame.
You gained 10.04 honour.
You will soon be receiving £869,876,357,140 insurance.