Round 60 BR's



where leeroys br bb coon, u didnt post coz u no want to shame him bb? aww ex oh


Dec 14, 2007
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
attacking AOH

[range] 2 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 1 hostile staff.
[range] 686 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 1,627 hostile staff.
[range] 5,331,742 hostile Biker attacked, killing 304 allied staff.
[range] 52,772,029 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 119,916,030 allied staff.
[range] 10,736,312 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 11,106,033 allied staff.
[range] 116,093,753 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 389,747,097 hostile staff.
[range] 3 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 5 hostile staff.
[range] 452,931 allied Assassin attacked, killing 258,609 hostile staff.
[range] 53,460,487 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 7,449,408 allied staff.
[range] 1,239 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 483 hostile staff.
[range] 138 allied Harrier attacked, killing 156 hostile staff.
[range] 43,867,764 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 18,849,471 allied staff.
[range] 314 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 187 hostile staff.
[range] 4,449,360 hostile Sorcerer attacked, killing 1,532,800 allied staff.
[range] 11 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 13 hostile staff.
[range] 2 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1 hostile staff.
[range] 6,707,401 hostile Dragon breathed fire on and melted 12,483,835 allied staff.
[range] 2,085,744 allied Ninja attacked, killing 2,633,499 hostile staff.

Stunned: 5 [£91,000] enemies stunned.
Disabled: 7,449,408 [£402,319,835,000] friendlies disabled. 2,110 [£20,833,200] enemies disabled.
Died: 163,888,473 [£3,164,823,725,000] friendlies dead. 392,639,563 [£3,219,305,504,000] enemies dead.

You gained 5,575,041 effectiveness.
You gained 50.23 fame.
You gained 51.56 honour.
You earned £1,649,966,776,645 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £584,546,160,000 insurance.

[middle] 596 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 1,090 hostile staff.
[middle] 29,138,571 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 5,372,862 allied staff.
[middle] 8,094,726 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 7,821,217 allied staff.
[middle] 74,411,487 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 84,091,039 hostile staff.
[middle] 3 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 2 hostile staff.
[middle] 249,360 allied Assassin attacked, killing 124,927 hostile staff.
[middle] 50,279,561 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 6,760,377 allied staff.
[middle] 1,009 allied Hooligan attacked, disabling 336 hostile staff.
[middle] 72 allied Harrier attacked, killing 74 hostile staff.
[middle] 21,831,696 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 7,860,208 allied staff.
[middle] 211 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 60 hostile staff.
[middle] 7 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 9 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,324,193 allied Ninja attacked, killing 897,097 hostile staff.

Stunned: 2 [£90,000] enemies stunned.
Disabled: 6,760,377 [£366,084,761,000] friendlies disabled. 1,426 [£19,544,000] enemies disabled.
Died: 21,054,287 [£1,140,318,563,000] friendlies dead. 85,113,206 [£2,177,768,250,000] enemies dead.

You gained 3,581,498 effectiveness.
You gained 51.25 fame.
You gained 50.73 honour.
You earned £1,129,342,444,199 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £228,062,704,000 insurance.

[close] 209,293 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 25,254 allied staff.
[close] 364 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 664 hostile staff.
[close] 53,996 allied Armoured Car attacked, killing 3,810 hostile staff.
[close] 4,969,940 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 880,083 allied staff.
[close] 91 hostile Attack Dog attacked, killing 25 allied staff.
[close] 66,055,001 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 33,763,133 hostile staff.
[close] 210,067 allied Assassin attacked, killing 134,207 hostile staff.
[close] 81 allied Harrier attacked, killing 111 hostile staff.
[close] 334 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 78 hostile staff.
[close] 2 allied Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1 hostile staff.
[close] 1 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 1 hostile staff.

Distracted: 25,254 [£166,515,000] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 664 [£6,131,000] enemies disabled.
Died: 880,108 [£47,697,906,000] friendlies dead. 33,901,341 [£1,265,818,350,000] enemies dead.

You gained 1,779,783 effectiveness.
You gained 63.13 fame.
You gained 43.12 honour.
You earned £673,720,013,181 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £9,539,581,200 insurance.


Dec 14, 2007
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
and again

[range] 45,000,000 allied Striker attacked, killing 4,302,800 hostile staff.
[range] 980,494 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 113,180 allied staff.
[range] 139,930,980 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 191,306,379 hostile staff.
[range] 151,662,453 allied Harrier attacked, killing 78,810,954 hostile staff.
[range] 17,651,656 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 8,402,198 allied staff.
[range] 376,018 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 184,373 allied staff.
[range] 4,846,774 allied Ninja attacked, killing 4,270,931 hostile staff.

Distracted: 184,373 [£13,828,955,000] friendlies distracted.
Died: 8,515,378 [£600,321,050,000] friendlies dead. 278,691,064 [£11,702,119,227,700] enemies dead.

You gained 3,418,328 effectiveness.
You gained 42.44 fame.
You lost 65.69 honour.
You earned £2,723,064,124,313 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £29,176,002,000 insurance.

[middle] 9,243 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 1,743 allied staff.
[middle] 137,442,340 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 13,867,494 hostile staff.
[middle] 221,094 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 46,277 allied staff.
[middle] 4,845,902 allied Ninja attacked, killing 83,120 hostile staff.

Distracted: 46,277 [£2,493,455,000] friendlies distracted.
Died: 1,743 [£94,105,000] friendlies dead. 13,950,614 [£616,202,565,000] enemies dead.

You gained 862,749 effectiveness.
You gained 46.08 fame.
You gained 38.28 honour.
You earned £270,931,355,966 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £18,821,000 insurance.


Dec 14, 2007
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
finally got the guy offline!!!

[range] 1,500,000 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 280,500 allied staff.
[range] 179,719,500 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 173,645,224 hostile staff.
[range] 19,248,986 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 6,543,330 allied staff.
[range] 2,641,049 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 417,361 allied staff.

Died: 7,241,191 [£398,265,505,000] friendlies dead. 173,645,224 [£5,069,611,641,600] enemies dead.

You gained 1,355,769 effectiveness.
You gained 66.35 fame.
You lost 76.82 honour.
You earned £43,746,018,698 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £79,653,101,000 insurance.

[middle] 172,758,809 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 23,831,660 hostile staff.
[middle] 859,379 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 137,455 allied staff.

Died: 137,455 [£7,560,025,000] friendlies dead. 23,831,660 [£1,000,439,464,000] enemies dead.

You gained 419,096 effectiveness.
You gained 51.27 fame.
You lost 69.03 honour.
You earned £8,401,462,960 bounty.
You will soon be receiving £1,512,005,000 insurance.


Dec 14, 2007
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
another one bites the dust!

[range] 36,000,000 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 10,859,647 hostile staff.
[range] 566 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 1,047 hostile staff.
[range] 2,761,687 allied Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 39,239,818 hostile staff.
[range] 240,000,000 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 102,985,101 hostile staff.

Distracted: 39,239,818 [£719,293,386,600] enemies distracted.
Disabled: 1,047 [£12,448,200] enemies disabled.
Died: 113,844,748 [£4,830,696,306,200] enemies dead.

You gained 622,374 effectiveness.
You gained 51.24 fame.
You lost 83.91 honour.
You earned £205,428,700,712 bounty.


Mar 12, 2009
San Francisco, California
Who doesn't love plowing into and unloading a full load into the arse of a Multi.

Battle Report - Attacking Newb Banned from the Forums For Multiple Accounts / Physiological Issues.

[range] 7,026,336 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 5,443,948 hostile staff.
[range] 5,817,863 hostile Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 1,569,921 allied staff.
[range] 261,151 allied Sniper attacked, killing 2,067,608 hostile staff.
[range] 2,806,652 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 8,812,689 allied staff.
[range] 323,095 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 1,398,301 hostile staff.
[range] 2,070,690 allied Humvee attacked, killing 761,655 hostile staff.
[range] 478,673 hostile White Knight attacked, slaying 13,424 allied staff.
[range] 533,236 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 1,240,523 allied staff.

Died: 11,636,557 [£250,862,970,000] friendlies dead. 9,671,512 [£347,279,093,800] enemies dead.

[middle] 3,655,561 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 2,780,902 hostile staff.
[middle] 3,641,583 hostile Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 839,098 allied staff.
[middle] 46,427 allied Sniper attacked, killing 507,310 hostile staff.
[middle] 2,324,389 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1,512,203 allied staff.
[middle] 100,460 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 501,234 hostile staff.
[middle] 1,378,116 allied Humvee attacked, killing 582,412 hostile staff.
[middle] 349,640 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 665,322 allied staff.
[middle] 11,806 hostile Gargantua roared robotically and vaporised with laser eyes 215,602 allied staff.

Died: 3,232,225 [£157,187,407,000] friendlies dead. 4,371,858 [£172,450,118,700] enemies dead.


Pathetic isn't? Requiring four in-game accounts to verbally harass meh? Sticks and Stones Mate. You need serious physiological help... Seriously.

Legendary ? Pfft, My Pitt takes dumps that are more legendary than you will ever be or become... kid.


Dec 14, 2007
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
may as well post it... biggest one this round by far
all 20 multi accounts on the 1 tick

Battle Report - Defending Angela before coffee.. RAWR [3522]
[close] 250,000,002 allied Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 212,080,579 hostile staff.
[close] 99,088,108 hostile Psychopathic Android attacked, killing 89,852,780 allied staff.
[close] 10,000,060 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 9,797,031 hostile staff.
[close] 7,565,616 hostile Hippy attacked, distracting 1,429,343 allied staff.
[close] 952,434 allied Serf attacked, killing 242,089 hostile staff.
[close] 358 allied Arsonist attacked, disabling 775 hostile staff.
[close] 89,749,994 hostile Political Mastermind attacked, distracting 235,363,437 allied staff.
[close] 61,612,277 allied Scrap Bot attacked, killing 164,653,506 hostile staff.
[raised] The scrap bots quickly went through the remains, constructing 237,310 Gargantua.
[close] 52,541 allied Armoured Car attacked, killing 6,583 hostile staff.
[close] 31,704,459 hostile Striker attacked, killing 12,626,268 allied staff.
[close] 14,391,652 hostile Biker attacked, killing 12,619,848 allied staff.
[close] 37,084,848 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 22,233,985 allied staff.
[close] 529,526,181 allied Attack Dog attacked, killing 1,230,632,982 hostile staff.
[close] 784,649,676 hostile Attack Dog attacked, killing 333,647,130 allied staff.
[close] 201,860,388 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 754,817,670 hostile staff.
[close] 139,604,429 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 146,058,698 allied staff.
[close] 2,886,481 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 1,825,136 allied staff.
[close] 218,392,840 allied Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 648,216,369 hostile staff.
[close] 21,544,833 hostile Protestor Guru attacked, distracting 6,750,521 allied staff.
[close] 2,406,331 allied Witch attacked, killing 2,742,613 hostile staff.
[close] 17,160,089 hostile Witch attacked, killing 14,489,323 allied staff.
[close] 270,727,335 allied Harrier attacked, killing 314,992,596 hostile staff.
[close] 61,786,758 hostile Harrier attacked, killing 83,484,532 allied staff.
[close] 96,709,070 allied Hippy Van attacked, distracting 54,063,510 hostile staff.
[close] 12,856,322 hostile Hippy Van attacked, distracting 8,679,814 allied staff.
[close] 252,202,916 allied Iron Golem attacked, killing 153,019,137 hostile staff.
[close] 109,520,287 hostile Iron Golem attacked, killing 50,415,704 allied staff.
[close] 142 allied Nutter attacked, disabling 26 hostile staff.
[close] 11,995,354 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 13,784,504 allied staff.
[close] 8,552,680 allied Yob attacked, disabling 2,640,083 hostile staff.
[close] 37 hostile Loudspeaker Protestor shouted in the ears of and distracted 13 allied staff.
[close] 19,825,138 hostile Dragon breathed fire on and melted 41,915,406 allied staff.
[close] 46,517,504 hostile Ranger attacked, killing 40,357,159 allied staff.
[close] 279,739 hostile Flamethrower attacked, killing 197,145 allied staff.
[close] 25,697,347 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 24,386,311 allied staff.
[close] 205,589 allied White Wizard zapped 70,171 hostile staff.
[close] 61,545,139 allied Marine attacked, killing 61,316,573 hostile staff.
[close] 54,798,532 hostile Marine attacked, killing 46,606,664 allied staff.
[close] 8,775,075 allied HQ Attack Dog attacked, killing 10,875,756 hostile staff.
[close] 2,279,190 allied HQ Humvee attacked, killing 2,392,854 hostile staff.
[close] 33,295,380 allied Humvee attacked, killing 6,325,037 hostile staff.
[close] 28,522,045 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 3,790,774 allied staff.
[close] 536,356 allied White Knight attacked, slaying 1,117,280 hostile staff.
[close] 51,408,095 allied Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 186,256,929 hostile staff.
[close] 25,094,745 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 36,965,955 allied staff.
[close] 38,836 hostile Heavy Weapons attacked, killing 15,677 allied staff.
[close] 3,887,291 allied HQ Private attacked, killing 1,691,168 hostile staff.
[close] 90 hostile Private attacked, killing 20 allied staff.
[close] 906,144 allied HQ Officer attacked, killing 621,601 hostile staff.
[close] 724,255 allied Apprentice attacked, killing 252,654 hostile staff.
[close] 36 hostile Cloner attacked, bribing 35 allied staff.
[close] 745,246 allied HQ Challenger 2 attacked, killing 8,792,367 hostile staff.

Distracted: 712,076,910 [£3,410,966,176,100] enemies distracted. 252,223,128 [£3,024,510,582,000] friendlies distracted.
Disabled: 2,640,884 [£138,595,250,300] enemies disabled.
Died: 3,112,900,145 [£36,911,408,812,100] enemies dead. 975,273,019 [£21,796,502,923,500] friendlies dead.
Bribed: 35 [£1,224,000] friendlies bribed.
Converted: 237,310 [£237,310,000,000] enemies converted.

You gained 9,223,487 effectiveness.
You gained 8.57 fame.
You gained 10.04 honour.
You will soon be receiving £869,876,357,140 insurance.