How is your bodyclock?


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
My bodyclock has a mind of it's own, and it made me wonder how many other people are the same, and how many can control theirs?

First - I've been working for myself for 6 years now, I really have very little concept of day, weekends, bank holidays, terms, or anything else - every day to me is the same as any other day for all intents and purposes.
Secondly - I don't have set hours, there is no boss but myself, so I'm not restricted to always have to get up by X time in a morning, and that doesn't help either.

Which I figure means the only thing my body does, is natural... but then surely you'd think instinct would be sleep in the dark, wake in the light, from days gone by?

For the past couple of months now my bodyclock has rotated (around +1 hour a week) to night-shift. Right now my daily routine is: Go to bed at about between 9 and 10 in the morning. Sleep until about 5 to 6 in the evening. I have a meal (as "breakfast"), and chill out until about midnight, then I start working until 9/10 AM, and go back to bed. It's pretty screwed up but my body will do it's own thing when it comes to it's own cycle and ignores me entirely :p At other times it will cycle around and I'll sleep "normal" hours and be up during the day, and do a more normal routine (get up in the morning, start work, relax in an evening then go to bed late night). Seems no pattern to when or how it shifts! Oh and I need around 8 hours sleep a "night" lately, sometimes I'll live on 6 hours sleep a night for months on end, other times 10 hours... that seems pretty random too.

So how about the rest of you? Does everyone have normal bodyclocks? Do you "force" a normal bodyclock because work/education dictates it but really it's a fight? Or is your bodyclock totally random too?

Random topic because I'm curious! :D


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

my body clock has submitted to brute force in the past, and will submit in the future if necessary. As it stands, martial law is victorious in Canadia!


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

Pretty bad tbh :p

I can sleep some days for 16 hours and then like today i went to bed at 4:40am and im up at 8am but i can drink a cup of tea and its fine :p


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

Midnight to 5 am is my norm, sometimes I am tired and go to bed at 11 pm. Weekends, I usually stay up later and sleep in an hour or so later..but usually 5-6 hours of sleep at normal sleeping hours is my norm. It started years back as forced due to work, but has become so routine over the years that its just kinda set that way. Age:(


Jan 31, 2008
Re: How is your bodyclock?

My body clock sucks. Weekdays when i have college it decides its not time to go to sleep till like 2am when i have to wake up at 7am. And at weekends it decides its tired early and i am too tired to go out and do things but i still do.


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Cheshire, England
Re: How is your bodyclock?

Mine is forced due to work commitments...

I could quite easily stay up an extra 2 hours a night without it affecting me, and sleep a normal full nights sleep, and do that again and again, until my cycle started going around the clock.

I do this to an extent at the weekend when I don't have to get anything planned for the following day, although I do then find Sunday to be a short day. lol.


Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

My bodyclock is forced as well due to work, I go to bed at about 10/10:30 pm, and wake up at 6:30am

Weekends, my bodyclock wakes me at 8am, as I every other weekend I have to do a bit of work stuff (both Sat and Sun), but I go to bed Fri / Sat about 10:30/11pm


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Hillsville VA, USA
Re: How is your bodyclock?

I'm in Azzers category here, since I don't work outside my house, I just have to make sure I'm awake at certain key events, like getting the kids on and off the schoolbus, dinnertime etc. Otherwise I sleep/wake mostly as I please. Unless I'm trying to get something accomplished in the business world ( 9am-5pm) I generally go to bed once my kids are on the bus at 9am and sleep til they get home around 3 pm.. then I usually sleep an extra 4-5 hrs at night with garrett as well

sleep is a beautiful thing


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

my body clock is amazing i can wake up without an alarm within 10 minutes of when i need to be awake. also if someone asks what the time is i can guess nearly spot on but for some reason its usually 5minutes fast, i tried compensating for this before but i ended up being 5 minutes slow, :D


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

Mine is absolutely terrible. When I was doing my GCSEs about 5/6 years ago, I pretty much *had* to go to school so forced myself to actually get up in the mornings. But I always liked staying up late so I'd sleep from 4am-8am and then 4pm-7pm when I got home from school. Then when I started my AS/A2 levels I could quite easily skive off school without any consequences and subsequently I only ended up going in about twice a week and sleeping the rest of the time. :p At uni, especially in the first year, there was even less consequences from missing lectures (as they're optional) so my sleeping pattern was pretty much go to bed at 8am and wake up at 6pm.

Over the summer I worked in a bar so either started work at 12pm, 3pm, or 6pm. My sleeping pattern was basically go to bed 5-9 hours before I had to start work. :p Seeing as if I didn't go to work, I'd get fired, I actually forced myself to get out of bed whereas usually I'd just think "**** it" and sleep through whatever I was supposed to be doing. Although near the end of the summer I managed about 4 hours sleep over 5 nights and I have no idea why. I started taking Nytol and have been pretty much addicted ever since, I can't sleep without it. My current sleeping pattern is going to bed between 2am-4am and getting up between 10am-2pm and trying to go to as many lectures as possible (it's not going too well :p).

I find if I have less than 10 hours sleep I'm tired for about 2-4 hours after I wake up but after that I'm fine. Even if I have 4 hours sleep I'm still not tired after that 2-4 hour period. Also, if I have some time off (uni holidays + not working), my bodyclock rotates around +1 hour per day, which screws things up quite a lot. :p


Mar 4, 2008
Kent, UK
Re: How is your bodyclock?

I had a "normal" body clock until about 4 years ago.

We were having those heat waves in the summer and my room being the attic, was a good 6-7 degrees hotter than the rest of the house. I discovered that staying up to 4am meant it was cool enough to get to sleep. Lo', the problems began :p

When I first fell ill, a symptom was a minor case of insomnia, whereby I would be up for 3 or so days at a time, then crash for a random amount of time, only to wake up and stay up for another 3 days. Naturally that ****ed it up even further than the 4am bedtimes.

Over the next 4 years of recovery, with next to no routine it went from bad to worse, sometimes still being up after my mum had left for work, before going to bed, only getting up to raid with my WoW guild, and spend the night chatting to them on ventrilo.

It's better now though, I've gone back to college to completely change the direction of my academic career, and have semblance of routine. It is, however, an evening course, starting at 6pm, so getting up for it is easy, even if i went to bed at 8am...(which I'm not).

I do however find that I am staying up to 3-4am again, but instead of seeing this as a normal (or sometimes early) bed time, I have managed to view it as late, and have 2am~ as "normal".


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

I'm the same. If I have nothing forcing me to get up, I'll happily mess my body clock up beyond belief in a matter of days. Usually I'll end up going to bed at about 10 AM and getting up at around 6 PM.


Official Helper
Community Operator
Jun 3, 2008
Re: How is your bodyclock?

awake from 7am till 2am most days....

extraordinarily unhealthy, having to force myself out of bed at 7 cos i have lectures to get to, otherwise i'd happily sleep till midday every day :)

-Ogluk sets timezone to GMT -2


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

mine is forced by work...

5 days a week i sleep ~2am til 9am as i work split shifts of 10am-3pm and then 6pm-11:30pm

2 days off a week i will sleep in about midday, before then having a huge lie in... then stay up well into the hours of the next day...caffeine is your friend!!!


Dec 14, 2007
Low Orbit
Re: How is your bodyclock?

Lupus said:
my body clock is amazing i can wake up without an alarm within 10 minutes of when i need to be awake. also if someone asks what the time is i can guess nearly spot on but for some reason its usually 5minutes fast, i tried compensating for this before but i ended up being 5 minutes slow, :D

there is a reason that you percieve time as five mins. fast.

welcome brother to the illuminated ones :) most humans are still going through life on barbarian time! lol


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Bracknell, Berkshire, England
Re: How is your bodyclock?

Body clock are so annoying. As while a day is 24 hours. Most peoples body clocks are not. Most people can adjust for the difference and stick to a sleep pattern that confoms with society, some can't, myself included.

I only sleep for about 5/6 hours, no matter when i go to sleep, yet, I can only stay awake for about 12 hours unless I force myself to not go to bed or I take a nap in the middle of the day. Because of this my body clock is constantly changing. every day it gets a little more off, and unless i completely beat it into submission, or do a reset (don't go to sleep until it is a socially normal time, I.E. 10pm, no matter when you've been awake since) it will constantly rotate round, getting later and later until eventually it gets back round to a normal time.

I tend to do a reset of my body clock about once a week though. So out of the 7 nights in a week, I usually sleep on 6 of them. Though sometimes i can hold out for a fortnight, and sometimes my body clock jumps so much I have to do it twice in a week.

And don't talk to me about the rediculous practice of putting the clocks back and forward, that messes me up for days, even that small change completely messes me up, and I suffer from some of the worst jet lag in existance, purely because my body cannot cope with a stable time zone, let alone changing.


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
Re: How is your bodyclock?

Wow, after reading that, I consider myself extremely lucky! I dont sleep much, but I dont need much sleep!


Dec 14, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland
Re: How is your bodyclock?

My bodyclock is somewhat influenced by caffeine. I'm a bit of a caffeine junkie and this means I often don't get to sleep until 2am or 3am as I'm still "wired" at this time. On a normal weekday I have to be up at 7.30 and at weekends, given no external influences such as alarm clocks etc, I will generally wake up at 10am.

With no specific appointments or things to do, I think I would gradually move to a position where I would simply sleep when I could be bothered to do so and wake at all other times.


Jul 9, 2008
Re: How is your bodyclock?

there was an experimant in the us into bodyclocks, they found that the natural cycal for a bobyclock was about 25-26 hours and not a 24 hour day, so this may be your problem Azzer.

my body clock used to be forced but now i can get up pretty much when i want, i can set alarms and get up 5 mns before them just to switch them off.