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Dynamic AR mod decrease


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
Ive thought about this for about 10 seconds and thought that the AR mod sometimes is not as useful (or useless) for some people as it is for others. My reasoning:

If someone with 6000 land (we will call he/she "Dude 1") gets zeroed and land raped and is left with like 300 (or whatever) land, he/she gets an AR mod of 90% which then decreases over a certain amount of time.

At the same time, a person (we will call he/she "Dude 2") with the same score (and land) gets zeroed, but is left with say 5000 (or whatever) land, he/she gets an AR mod of 90% which decreases at the same rate.

Dude 1 has to wait a lot longer to build an army capable of stealing land. Of course he can buy some land but it wont get him to 5000. Dude 2 has to wait only a fraction of the time and can start getting his land back much sooner. Once he has his land he can build up his army much larger and stronger than Dude 1.

You will say, "of course, what has this got to do with AR mod?"

Well, Dude 1 has to wait longer to get more land, ie it takes him longer to get back to where he was. Thus his army is a lot smaller when his AR mod is at zero than Dude 2.

So overall Dude 2 loses the AR protection when he is much stronger and can defend himself. You may think, but Dude 1 has less land so isnt an attractive target and doesnt need AR mod. BUT look at the longer term. He could buy up to like 2500 land and then attack some people for another 2500 before his mod runs out. So he has a fair amount, but since it has taken him longer to get the land he has much less troops, and is therefore a more attractive target. Dont forget he would have to attack more and thus lose more troops doing so. The effect is exponential.

So what i was thinking was base the rate at which the AR mod decays on how much land he/she is left with. So for the person with 300 land it could take 10 days to run out, whereas the person with 5000 it takes maybe 3 days to run out, just as an example. Possibly, as they get more land the AR mod would decrease faster. So it could be calculated each tick.

Also it could be based on LAND FAT instead, just added for consideration. This may be a better option.

I realise many people will be against this just because they wont be able to predict AR mod of solos. But isnt that a good thing for solos? AR aint that great tbh. Polos extension does this also, so many people will be against this if they use it. I would like to hear reasoning though :)


Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
This ain't a bad idea, the problem with it though, is how do you implement it? How do you make a mathematical formula to "stack" AR, especially one that will be fair and not OP? Making AR dependend ot land fat ain't a good idea at all.

Also do not forget that solos get insurance for the land they've lost. It is easy to buy flak with those funds from the insurance and steal back what you've lost.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
I like the suggestion, i had a thought before how AR could be stored beyond 90% and drop from that amount and just when it gets under 90% it starts to show a drop in game. Atm the 20% faster AR mod gain is close to useless since most of the times you get ar mod it gets to 90% anyway so the recent changes hit on solo's from all sides.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
the problem in the calculations to make this possible is thus:

the first scenario in which the person gets bashed repeatedly... ok you have to store that score from the first attack and then after all the subsequent attacks he's now much smaller...

how exactly do plan on deciding which score to store when and when does it do the comparison to the multiple rapings?

How do you ensure that you aren't keeping a score that's not relevant? the truth is that the person in the first scenario is more unlucky than the person in the 2nd scenario. the first person just had more people attack.

good concept, but I don't see it working well enough.


Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
Also there is another problem. We've seen people, (especially one that has posted in this thread ;) ) get "cheap" AR at round start for intentionally losing a bit of acres so they can be safe later when lets are out. With this suggestion such tactics will be even more abusable.


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Cheshire, England
Hmmm... I like that idea...
Maybe based around a value of percentage of land lost over x ticks, which increases the length of time that the AR stays at a higher level.

Just a thought.