Two Mom funnies...only the ladies will appreciate these!


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
A Real Man

A real man is a woman's best friend. He will
never stand her up and never let her down.
He will reassure her when she feels insecure
and comfort her after a bad day.

He will inspire her to do things she never
thought she could do; to live without fear
and forget regret. He will enable her to
express her deepest emotions and give in to
her most intimate desires. He will make sure
she always feels as though she's the most
beautiful woman in the room and will enable
her to be the most confident, sexy,
seductive, and invincible.

No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine.
It’s wine that does all that.......

Financial Planning

Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the
family business.

When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father
he decided he needed to find a wife with whom to share his fortune.

One evening, at an investment meeting, he spotted the most beautiful woman

he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away.

"I may look like just an ordinary guy," he said to her, "but in just a few

my father will die and I will inherit $200 million."

Impressed, the woman asked for his business card and three days later,

she became his stepmother .

Women are so much better at financial planning than men.


Head Gardener
Dec 24, 2007
I think I had heard the 2nd one before, a long time ago- but never the first. I was reading it thinking how sappy it was and about ready to hit delete when I got to the ending...and about peed at the truth of it all;)