Looking for FF addon!


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
I just remembered about this addon for FireFox that i either found by looking, or maybe it was a thread here...

But anyway, it allowed you to change certain web pages of your choice. You could add links, pics and change text of any web page you wanted. I used to use to include a link to the unit page of the manual in the side menu, as well as other stuff. It was really neat

I tried searching the forums but didnt find it. If anyone knows about it i would appreciate any info on it :D

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Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008

At first i thought it might have been. But its not the one im looking :(

The one i had allowed you to replace certain strings of text with something else. You could also replace HTML so you could change what the links would be

You could make the changes specific to a specific webpage. Now that i think about it, i definitely know i heard about it on the forums. I now even remember it was CFalcon (i think) how posted a thread (i dont know how i remember this :p)

Now im gonna have another look at the forums...