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Make it hard to spot bots


Nov 15, 2008
This will seem a bit crazy, but i think it will be a good idea to make the bots less obvious for example instead of them being called "B 5 of The Bots" they should be given normal names so people don't just rape them.

Also, make it harder to attack smaller players. For example to limiting the range to like 20%.

What do you think?


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2007
Milton ,Florida, United States
Re: Make it hard to spot bots

The whole purpose of the bots is so people CAN rape them. They are there to introduce land into the game.

You could say they were just begging for it. :twisted: :p :twisted:


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Make it hard to spot bots

idd asmo is right bots were bred for bashing and bashing alone


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Make it hard to spot bots

me in another thread said:
didnt azzer talk ages ago (only in a kinda...throwing ideas out there) about making a group bots have random names...so nobody knew who they were and have them in an alliance...so they would defend each other and attack sometimes together...

i do think some bots a bit higher in the rankings would be a good idea...maybe give them a slightly higher cash inflow than they should have...they will never grow to high from it as people will still constantly attack them...but it would allow the bots to move higher in the rankings...

i think as well as having their bots in their current state (to get land into the game and filter up) some higher ranked/harder to spot bots would be a really good addition

they could be in an alliance together (if thats possible) or solo but with the ability to do better...also azzer could every now and then take control of the bots just to make them a bit more player-like...i mean it wouldnt take much effort for him to do that...maybe an hour out of a 9 hour working day?


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Make it hard to spot bots

Start giving the bots rights and you'll have a revolution on your hands.

You've been warned.