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Improve Military Leader Powers


Aug 11, 2008
It would be good if there was a button for the allaince leader too have the option "Allow military officer to change hands without the leader having to do it"

It would stop people needing the leader to be on to change.

Benefits - There will be a Milt officer always online as it can be passed around to help defensively

Views and opinions


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

not needed imo, but keep the ideas coming


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

been suggested a few times, personally i dont see that much of a problem with it...but i think the idea is that if leaders rotate officer positions anyway (as they should) then its just another benefit for playing "skillfully"...

personally i wouldnt be against the leader being able to select maybe 4 people that could fill any of the 2 officer positions when they are on, so people can "pass the baton" kinda thing...


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

the real transferable power that the Officers have that i think every player should have is the ability to see refresh times. I'm not sure why it was ever just for the officers, but to me that would mitigate officers being offline quite well. The other important functions officers have aren't really necessary for the most part until they come back online. HQ troops don't change the course of battle that much that often, and mass mails are easy to use with an ID list, and the leader functions wouldn't get turned over anyways so nothing much has been lost.

Refresh times for all!


Dec 20, 2007
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

Alcibiades said:
Refresh times for all!
hear hear! (or however thats called/spelled...in other words i totally agree lol)


Jun 22, 2008
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

the leader should have the powers of all the Officers.

Leader should be able to see outgoings. biggest pain i have found. Not that its not easily done with a good MO, but a leader should be able to see it as well i think


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

Khris said:
the leader should have the powers of all the Officers.

Leader should be able to see outgoings. biggest pain i have found. Not that its not easily done with a good MO, but a leader should be able to see it as well i think

Aye, it's complete madness the leader doesn't have all those powers. Thumbs up Khris!


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
The Hague
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

Khris said:
the leader should have the powers of all the Officers.

Leader should be able to see outgoings. biggest pain i have found. Not that its not easily done with a good MO, but a leader should be able to see it as well i think

if the leader is able to see all those. and do all these.
then where is the use of the MO and CO in an alliance?
then why not remove MO and CO.
Make Leader > CoLeader and thats it.
what if your leader is offline? then nobody is able to see whats happening.

Why should a leader be able to see all this anyway? is there anything the leader cant know without these powers?
a well organised alliance knows which members are attacking who, wheter the leader is online or not. MO and CO have been here since the start of bushtarion, MO and CO are respected positions within an alliance, you can't remove or change these imo.


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

Tao no one said that only the Leader would have all the powers. Just that the leader would have them all, while continuing to have officers. Sort of a redundancy system.

The point is so that when the Leader is on, they have a full grasp of what is going on in their ally. And officers are there to provide support, or to be delegated to as the case may be. There would still be an MO/CO to handle their respective duties, but it simply makes sense that the Leader should be able to see, at a glance, what the ally is doing. Period.

If the leader is not online, and officers are, then you haven't lost anything as the Officers can still see refresh times, MO can deal with incoming/outgoing and CO handles ally comms. Seems fairly simple to me... Officers are still plenty useful to a smart Leader.

TaO said:
Why should a leader be able to see all this anyway? is there anything the leader cant know without these powers?
a well organised alliance knows which members are attacking who, wheter the leader is online or not.

The leader should be able to see that for the above stated reasons. As far as I remember, leaders cannot send out Ally Mails, or check the outgoings at a glance. The Ally mails isn't a big issue as you *can* just c/p the Ally ID list, but it's a helluva lot easier just to click the Mass Mail Button. Same with outgoing, sure you can all haev your attack thread (either general attacks or a specific outgoing thread for an ally attack) but then it's much *much* easier if the leader can just click the Mil Outgoings and see, at a single glance, the eta and targets of every mob of every member of his alliance. If you don't see the difference there between having that ability and not having that ability then i'll gladly pay for your Optometry appointment and your bottlecap prescription glasses.

TaO said:
MO and CO have been here since the start of bushtarion, MO and CO are respected positions within an alliance, you can't remove or change these imo.

Probably the worst reason *ever* not to change anything. The manual hasn't been changed in ages, so i'm assuming we shouldn't remove or change anything in it? The old bounty system worked and then we went ahead and changed it and now it's unusable. I dunno, i could think of a million different examples on both sides of the fence to argue for change and against change. This one makes sense however.


Dec 21, 2007
Berkshire. England
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

I dont think people use the mo and co much. there's normally a leader and thats it or joint leaders that take the officers positions. i reckon ppl should take these roles more seriously and set someone who is good at organising attacks/defences as mo. Someone who is good with comms at co. And someone who is good at leading people as leader.

Also, irl, officers and leaders should try and maintain seeming perfect, and maintain their power. this would be harder to do if the lesser employees were able to see if they were slacking and not refreshing every tick. That is the only argument i can think of against alci's but it does promote inequality and isn't really fair so i do actually agree with him ^^

If the leader had all the powers they would be expected to do everything. it is easier for them if their power is restricted and others carry out those tasks


Jun 22, 2008
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

well i'm glad to see those who flame at this must be in well organized allies lol.

There are MO and CO so that leaders DONT HAVE to do everything, but as alci said... its alot easier to make a quick decision or to monitor stuff if you can just click it quick and do it yourself. I love my MO's and CO's but every time i want to do something, i should be able to do it if i'm leader. You give them the powers why not be able to see it.

Our MO's always organize attacks and post outgoings and such, which is great for everyone. but being the leader its just hell of a lot easier if you can just see it yourself lol


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Improve Military Leader Powers

There was a nice suggestion for leader to be able to give custom powers to any of the members, i liked it :)