Great Reason why they need buff


Jan 31, 2008
Ok well iam an RPG player and well last night found a juicy robo and raped him like so:

Fri 19th Sep, year 5. Midnight Attacking him of him [****]
Battle Report - Attacking robo of solo [****]
[range] 12,000,000 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 7,427,267 hostile staff.
[range] 6,000,000 allied Sniper attacked, killing 26,596,456 hostile staff.
[range] 2,797,712 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 12,671,049 allied staff.
[range] 289,610 hostile Crazed Droid attacked, killing 152,864 allied staff.
[range] 1,360,033 allied Shock Trooper attacked, killing 5,646,643 hostile staff.
[range] 5,281,485 allied Humvee attacked, killing 2,113,108 hostile staff.
[range] 376,234 allied Officer attacked, killing 335,070 hostile staff.

Died: 12,823,913 [£159,848,397,500] friendlies dead. 42,118,544 [£732,003,112,800] enemies dead.

You gained 1,050,380 effectiveness.
Your staff had an average base injury rate of 35% for all deaths in this battle.

Ok i won by a mile. So when a group of fags sorry solos came to attack me, this robo must of complained about getting ***** slapped, they sent a mix of everything but as me being RPG i ifired first of course, the reslut was such:

Wed 24th Sep, year 5. Evening Defending Me of Me [****]
Battle Report - Defending Me of Me [****]
[range] 12,000,000 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 3,927,372 hostile staff.
[range] 2,981,500 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 1,075,080 allied staff.
[range] 63,713 hostile Biker attacked, killing 249,704 allied staff.
[range] 60,456 hostile Terrorist attacked, killing 379,681 allied staff.
[range] 11,996,336 hostile Secret Agent attacked, killing 37,791,281 allied staff.
[range] 507,174 hostile Siren sang out, freezing in place 391,747 allied staff.
[range] 1,538,438 hostile Assassin attacked, killing 554,771 allied staff.
[range] 277,381 hostile Harrier attacked, killing 202,027 allied staff.
[range] 16,058,142 hostile Terrorist Leader attacked, killing 5,270,431 allied staff.
[range] 1,934,671 hostile Sorcerer attacked, killing 3,778,906 allied staff.
[range] 10,702 hostile Sniper attacked, killing 7,043 allied staff.
[range] 2,840,910 hostile Cybernetic Warrior attacked, killing 1,689,878 allied staff.
[range] 8,459,197 hostile Dragon breathed fire on and melted 4,391,891 allied staff.
[range] 6,786,391 hostile Ranger attacked, killing 842,993 allied staff.
[range] 45,095 hostile Ninja attacked, killing 1,598 allied staff.
[range] 22 hostile Petrol Bomber lobbed Molotov Cocktails and killed 5 allied staff.
[range] 1,099,464 hostile Jeep attacked, killing 60,222 allied staff.
[range] 783,187 allied Humvee attacked, killing 453,667 hostile staff.
[range] 182,645 hostile Humvee attacked, killing 68,748 allied staff.
[range] 38,789 hostile Tyrant Drone attacked, killing 5,475 allied staff.

Stunned: 391,747 [£20,879,251,000] friendlies stunned.
Died: 4,381,039 [£103,551,307,300] enemies dead. 56,369,734 [£1,394,205,300,000] friendlies dead.

You gained 368,462 effectiveness.
Your staff had an average base injury rate of 35% for all deaths in this battle.

Ok in the report you quite clearly see robos. So how come my 12million RPGS didnt see them? I mean they was enough for my RPGs to aim at but they just completly didnt see the robos and got anally raped. I mean i though i would of done a bit damage at least but to get completely raped like such is beyond gay. I mean it was 5 solos against me and iam fairly sure they were multis or should at least be looked into for being multis as there names where fairly suspicious. Anyway i just needed to get this off my chest as when i woke up i wasnt a happy chappy to see me dead.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Great Reason why they need buff

surely its obvious that the fact there was alot of LET there means that your RPGs didnt fire at alot of the robos, leaving them with lots of sexy armour left to muller you with...

were you expecting your rpgs to do the same amount of damage against lots of different LET as they did to pure robo? Im confused at why you are questioning this BR???


Jan 31, 2008
Re: Great Reason why they need buff

No iam not saying i expected to do loads of damage i just wonder why 12million RPGs only killed 3million things surely they would of hit more?


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Re: Great Reason why they need buff

iirc RPG's do alot of armour damage but hardly any when its pure robos they will kill alot as the robos have basically just armour...but as soon as they fire at things with both health and armour they will be a bit sucky...thats why you need snipers and stuff firing after the RPGs to finish off the troops that have been stripped of their armour by the RPGs.


Jan 31, 2008
Re: Great Reason why they need buff

Yeah i had 7million snipers but they never got a chance to shine as the SAs and crap wiped them. Iam just annoyed that i got bum raped for raping someone else but hey i just wanted to let some steam go.


Head Gardener
Super Moderator
Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Great Reason why they need buff

Rock Paper Scissors. ;)


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Re: Great Reason why they need buff

as pin said just one of the aspects of the game that leths that are armour based will be better protected against your rpgs when there are also health based hostiles present, that said rpg will still get a nice 10% bonus on the machines they hit, :D


Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
Re: Great Reason why they need buff

Bleh, was going to do a long post with maths and so, but I cba.

To keep it short, there were like 10 times more health based/mix based units than the armor based units, against which your RPGs are strong, so basicly the armor units there were VERY well flakked thus your RPGs performing so badly. That is quite clear though, I really have no idea why you are griping, you got killed by a mixture of units which SHOULD kill you. Those are the game specifics. That is the game. You kill some, you get killed by some. I have no idea what is the thing that you talk about in the topic which needs buffing.

I myself get zeroed every 4 days while having a record of 16,332 acres lost and I still find it quite easy to stay in top 100 and even top 50 on day 3 and then on day 4 I get killed. If you were in ally though, after you get killed you wont have a giant AR to make you unvulnerable the next 3-4 days, so you won't have time to rebuild and your score sheet wont look like that:
         |            /
         |        /\/
         |    /\/
         |  /
                            Time passed

but like that
         |  \/\
         |      \/\ 
         |         \     
                             Time passed