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Anti kick-raping idea


Garden Designer
Dec 16, 2007
Plenty of alliances who kick members for various reasons other than those "warranting" a kick/rape have left said players alone after they've been kicked. I myself logged in one day to find myself kicked from Funkytown a few rounds back for not being active enough, and sure enough I hadn't been attacked.
I'm not sure if I entirely agree with all of the reasons people have given for kick/raping players, but I agree with the general concept that there are times when people need to be a victim of it for their own good :p

You had nothing worth raping Davs. 13 land and 25 hippie and yobs each does not equal epic raping times. ;)

I had more than 13 land, if I remember rightly I had just started Pol Bribers when I was kicked :p


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Plenty of alliances who kick members for various reasons other than those "warranting" a kick/rape have left said players alone after they've been kicked. I myself logged in one day to find myself kicked from Funkytown a few rounds back for not being active enough, and sure enough I hadn't been attacked.
I'm not sure if I entirely agree with all of the reasons people have given for kick/raping players, but I agree with the general concept that there are times when people need to be a victim of it for their own good :p

You had nothing worth raping Davs. 13 land and 25 hippie and yobs each does not equal epic raping times. ;)

I had more than 13 land, if I remember rightly I had just started Pol Bribers when I was kicked :p

Oh puppets. Winner ;)


Aug 17, 2008
And what alliance would ever, on their own accord, feel it fit to remove someone and then NOT rape them, even if they weren't a dick, etc.

Many many times have i replaced a member and told everyone in my ally not to attack them, usually this was due to the replaced member not having the time to play and telling me in private to replace them when the time was right. This is such a situation that doesn't warrant rape. :p

Infact, any replacement that doesn't involve spying/cheating, shouldn't involve rape.
But that's just me :p

Oh, and mod the EULA to make it illegal to k/r deleting members for their land ;o just cos, ya know, it doesn't seem right that someone with no legitimate targets can get land/kills/bounty/whatever because some of their members are restarting. It is borderline mutual attacking as it is :p

only 1 problem we have no real admin enforcing the EULA so anyone can do what they want:/


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Couldn't just kicking those people do just fine? Why is it necessary to kick them and then have EVERYONE rape them? Couldn't you just rape them a bit more fairly? And what alliance would ever, on their own accord, feel it fit to remove someone and then NOT rape them, even if they weren't a dick, etc.

Furthermore, is "being a bit of a dick" and "not pulling your weight" really something that you deserve to be 0ed over instead of just being removed from the alliance?

Just my views, however...

even if kick raped though the rate you can grow back is phenominal all that easy land and you can keep your score low. if u consider people think the round is over in 2 days this round and there were call for resistance, the first strike 3 days in. that was people growing from start. imagine growing whilst fully teched. peace of cake to grow back in this game.. but people get disheartened and give up. gamers lack determination nowadays. if they arent instantly amazing at a game, then the game must be **** or flawed, they give up and quit.

until you have completed timesplitters 2 on hard mode... you dont know the meaning of determination....(ps why isnt timesplitters 2 reverse engineered to run on xbox360 yet, its like The Best game from the old console..please answer in separate thread)


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Because xbox 360 will never be as cool as playstation.



Head Gardener
Nov 6, 2008
Bill Gates hacked the system for the American government to find out what address Osama had registered his account to.